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Cards (319)

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    Signal originates from the nuclei of atoms resonating in a patient in the presence of a magnetic field
  • Quantum mechanics
    Branch of physics that describes the behavior of very small objects, such as x-rays, protons, neutrons, and electrons
  • Quantum mechanics deals with subatomic particles and photons
  • Spin
    Quantity that every nucleus has, quantized into units of half-integer values and called the spin quantum number
  • Allowed values of spin quantum number
    • 0
    • 1/2
    • 1
    • 3/2
    • and so on
  • All hydrogen atoms of atomic mass 1 have a spin quantum number of 1/2
  • Spin state

    Limited number of ways a nucleus can spin, either counter clockwise (+1/2) or clockwise (-1/2)
  • A spinning, charged mass induces a magnetic field about itself, like the Earth
  • Nuclear magnetic moment
    The magnetic field associated with the spinning, charged nucleus, related to its mass, charge, and rate of spin
  • Neutrons with no charge have no associated magnetic field
  • Proton
    Classifies what kind of atom something is, the number of protons is the atomic number
  • Isotope
    Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
  • Hydrogen is the most abundant atom in the human body
  • Equilibrium
    Before being energized or receiving RF, the nuclear magnetization is aligned longitudinally with the main magnetic field
  • At equilibrium, the parallel aligned protons are in a low energy state
  • Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed
  • Antiparallel/Spin down
    High energy state of the protons
  • In the presence of the main magnetic field, there are protons that are out of phase
  • Net magnetization
    The overall magnetization of the protons, which is related to the external magnetic field strength
  • The larger the net magnetization (M0), the stronger the MR signal
  • Increasing the concentration of the nuclear species or the volume of tissue increases the MR signal due to higher proton density
  • Hydrogen
    Has the highest gyromagnetic ratio of any nucleus other than tritium, and the second largest signal per number of nuclei
  • Tritium would make an excellent MRI agent but is radioactive
  • For 13C, the gyromagnetic ratio is about one fourth the value for 1H, resulting in a much weaker signal
  • Higher magnetic field strength (B0) results in stronger net magnetization and a stronger MR signal
  • Larmor frequency
    The precessional frequency of the nuclei, corresponding to electromagnetic radiation in the RF range
  • The RF pulse must be tuned to the Larmor frequency to rotate the net magnetization vector
  • Transverse magnetization (Mxy)

    The net magnetization in the transverse (XY) plane, which is the only magnetization that can be detected as an MR signal
  • It is not possible to directly measure the longitudinal magnetization (Mz)
  • Stationary frame of reference

    The view of someone standing next to the magnet, where all motions are compared to someone standing still
  • Rotating frame of reference
    A frame of reference that matches the motion of the net magnetization, making it easier to visualize
  • RF pulse
    The application of a designed time/intensity radiofrequency pulse that can rotate the net magnetization vector to any angle
  • Hard pulse
    A strong, very short RF pulse
  • Soft pulse
    A weaker but longer RF pulse
  • Flip angle
    The angle through which the RF pulse rotates the net magnetization vector
  • 90 degree RF pulse

    Rotates the net magnetization vector from equilibrium onto the transverse (XY) plane
  • 180 degree RF pulse
    Rotates the net magnetization vector from equilibrium to the negative Z-axis
  • Alpha (α) pulse
    A "partial flip" RF pulse with a rotation angle less than 90 degrees
  • After a 90 degree RF pulse, the longitudinal magnetization (Mz) is zero and the transverse magnetization (Mxy) is equal to the equilibrium magnetization (M0)
  • Dephasing of Mxy
    The gradual loss of phase coherence in the transverse magnetization due to interactions with local magnetic fields