Develop directly from the membranous capsule (desmocranium) or in proximity to cartilaginous portion of skull, all bones of upper face including maxilla, mandible
Thin lamellae of bone that surrounds the root of tooth and gives attachment to the principal fibers of periodontal ligament, Cribriform plate – perforated with many openings (Volkmann's canal) that carry nerves and blood vessels to the periodontal ligament
Part in which the bundles of principal fibers of periodontal ligaments are anchored to (sharpey's fibers), contain more calcium salts than other portion (lamina dura)
Thin in labial surface of anterior teeth (thinnest in mandibular anterior teeth), thicker in mandible than in maxillary bone (thickest in mandibular PM and Molar areas)
Immature or coarsefibrillarbone is formed in areas of fracture or extraction wounds, increase number of cells and decreased volume of calcified intercellular substance, 2-3weeks before the bone is visible in xray
The progressiveloss of alveolarbone in periodontal disease is difficult to control. Once lost, this bone is even more difficult to repair of regenerate.
Synthetic materials may replace bone tissue – ridge augmentation and filling of bony defect, nonresorbable hydroxyapatite, resorbable tricalcium phosphate