Textinformation can be written in script using Roman alphabet or any different script appropriate to the language of the reader.
Books from preschool readers often contain non-textelements like
images or picture. The images or pictures help the beginning reader understand the
COMEDY OR HUMOR – Its content is light and funny. It can make
readers feel good and happy.
TRAGEDY OR DRAMA - Its content can make people cry because it
involves death, pain, and suffering. It entails conflicts which are often
difficult to deal with.
SUSPENSE AND THRILLER – In this particular, the reader is challenged
to figure out who the real villain and protagonist are by analyzing other
characters and how each scene is connected to establish and plausible
conclusion to solve the mystery or problem presented in the story.
HORROR - the content aims to arouse overwhelming fear and leave the
reader terrified. This may involve malevolent creatures or beings, evil
entities, and the paranormal.
ROMANCE - the content deals with romantic love. It details the
experience, both trials and triumphs, of the people or couples who are in romantic relationships.
SCIENCEFICTION - the content is typically based on the imaginative use of scientific knowledge or scientific discoveries or conjecture.
HISTORICAL - the content contains elements about historical accounts, it can be about life of specific historical figure who was influential during his time.
AUTOBIOGRAPHY, BIOGRAPHY and MEMOIR – an autobiography is
an account of a person’s life which the author wrote about himself.
Meanwhile, biography or memoir is detailed description of someone’s life written by another.
INSPIRATIONAL OR SELF-HEL - the content contains topics, articles or
stories that may be based on a true story where the reader can draw
inspiration from.
RELIGIOUS - the content contains topics about God and spirituality, holy,
religious people, and other related subjects.
Accuracy and Factuality - text information should be accurate, based on facts.
Objectivity - it should not be biased or based on personal, cultural or any
religious beliefs.
LanguageAppropriateness - the level and kind of language should be
appropriate to is target readers.
Curriculum Alignment – the content of the textbook should be aligned
with the prescribed curriculum and international standards.
House Style And Format - most books follow the Chicago Manual of Style
(CMS) when it comes to
USE OF COLOR – Visual information is a form of art and media. The
output is partly screened based on the kinds of color used, such as
primary and secondary colors, pastel, or dark colors. The kind of colors
used depends on the theme and subject.
USE OF MEDIUM – Aside from the use of colors, we can evaluate visual
media by the type of medium used.
LEVEL OF CREATIVITY – Apart from content and information, visual
media is also rated based on its level of creativity and artistic sense. An
ordinary-looking visual presentation will not interest the audience. On the
other hand, a creative or artistic presentation will catch their attention.