medications: treatment for impotence (viagra), anti-hypertensives, anticoagulants, alcohol and marijuana
corpora cavernosa fills with blood -> venous obstruction and vascular congestion
clinical manifestations
urinary retention
edema, fibrosis can lead to impotence
Alterations in Male function
failure of one or both testes to descend into scrotum in fetal development
etiology: mostly idiopathic with spontaneous descent first 3 months
testes maintained at higher than normal temperature -> faulty spermatogenesis (can lead to infertility)
Alterations in Male function
testicular torsion
acute ischemic testicular injury with rotation of spermatic cord -> venous occlusion
acute ischemia -> scrotal edema (hydrocele = fluid around testes)
swelling, ecchymosis
irreversible testicular damage can occur
Alterations in Male function
inflammatory disorders
etiology: STIs or urinary tract infection
inflammation causes unilateral pain and edema
symptoms of UTI, discharge, low abdominal pain
Alterations in Male function
inflammatory disorders
etiology: spread from other areas (epididymis) or complication of other diseases
fever, painful enlargement of testes but no urinary tract symptoms
may result in impaired spermatogenesis
Alterations in Male function
testicular cancer: most common cause of cancer of men 20-35 years old
enlargement that is painless or slight aching of groin
Alterations in Male function
prostatic disorders
inflammation of the prostate gland
bacterial: considered UTI (e. coli a lot of times)
Alterations in Male function
prostatic disorders
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH): enlargement of the prostate
imbalance between cell growth and normal cell death due to abnormal growth factors
palpable prostate
resulting compression of bladder neck
problems with voiding, urinary stasis
elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
Alterations in Male function
prostatic disorders
prostate cancer (diagnosed through biopsy)
Disorders of female reproductive system
disorders of the uterus
pelvic inflammatory disease
infection of uterus, fallopian tubes, adjacent pelvic structures
organisms colonize the cervix through sexually transmitted infections and stimulate an inflammatory response
scarring and obstruction
clinical mani
vaginal discharge
fever, flu like symptoms
Disorders of female reproductive system
disorders of the uterus
functional endometrial tissue in ectopic sites
unknown cause
tissue stimulate by ovarian hormones -> pain and bleeding into surrounding tissues
adhesions develop and can lead to infertility
Disorders of female reproductive system
disorders of the uterus
endometrial cancer
abnormal, painless bleeding
hyperplasic cells may present on PAP exam: "atypia"
Disorders of female reproductive system
disorders of ovaries
ovarian cysts
fluid filled
increased size of ovary
pain, abnormal bleeding, compression of the bladder
differentiate from ovarian cancer
Disorders of female reproductive system
disorders of the cervix
cervical cancer
pathophysiology/progressive changes
cervical dysplasia
cervical carcinoma in situ
invasive carcinoma
clinical manifestations
vaginal bleeding or discharge
pelvic or abdominal bleeding
HPV vaccine
Disorders of female reproductive system
disorders of menstruation
mechanism depends on cause: endocrine or structural
hypothalamic or pituitary failure
ovarian failure
anorexia (drop in fat tissue drops estrogen)
ovulatory status questionable
Disorders of female reproductive system
disorders of menstruation
gradual cessation of ovarian function
surgical menopause
clinical manifestations
decrease in estrogen and relative increase in other hormones
hot flashes or night sweat
palpitations, headache, dizziness, insomnia
cardiovascular complications
Disorders of female reproductive system
disorders of the breast
galactorrhea (milk production in non nursing females)
stimulation of neural arc reflex controlling milk letdown due to endocrine disorders or pituitary tumors, intracranial tumors (increase in prolactin hormone)
drug side effects
Disorders of female reproductive system
disorders of the breast
fibrocystic breast: benign breast alteration
cyst formation
clinical mani
breast pain, masses
nipple discharge
tissue biopsy for differentiation from breast cancer