study guide

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    • Novice lifters: no or very little experience lifting weights
  • Intermediate lifters: 4-6 months of progressive RT experience
  • Advanced lifters: at least 1 year of consistent progressive RT
  • Elite lifters: ranks very highly in one or more components of fitness
  • Macrocycle: extended training period (1 year) and divided into different mesocycles
  • Mesocycle: 1-4 months of training and divided into different microcycles
  • Microcycle: 5-10 days up to 4 weeks, aids in transition between mesocycles
  • Components of a needs analysis: evaluation of sport or client (movement analysis, physiological analysis, injury analysis), assessment of training status, testing and evaluation, and primary goals
    • Important to Figure out what you want to accomplish through this program
  • Supersets: involves two exercises that stress two opposing muscles or muscle areas in a row with no/little rest between
  • circuits: three or more exercises done in multiple rounds that usually involve a time based component
  • Compound/complex set: sequentially performing two different exercises for the same muscle group
    1. progressive overload: gradually boosting intensity of your workouts
  • 2. specificity: body reacts to training very specific to the activity itself
  • 3. variation: varying workouts prevents plateauing
  • Back squat
    ECC = glutes and quads going down
    CON: quads going up
  • Dead lift
    ECC= hamstrings, glutes and low back when lowered to ground.
    CON= hamstrings, glutes, and low back when picked up
  • RDL
    ECC: hamstrings, low back, glutes when going down
    CON= hamstrings, low back, glutes going up
  • bench press
    ECC= upward thrust of chest and triceps
    CON= downward phase of chest and triceps
  • Hypertrophy: rest 60-90 seconds
  • Strength: 2-3 minutes rest
  • Max strength 3-5 minutes rest
  • 1RM and multiple RM rest interval : 3-5 minutes between 4 trails
  • Upper/lower body exercises (split): upper body one day, lower body another (2-3 x / week)
  • Muscle group split routines: exercises for specific muscle groups during the same workout (3 or more / week)
  • push/pull exercise: don’t use same muscle group two times in a row
  • Total body workouts: most major muscle groups stressed (3 x / week)
  • Do multi joint power exercises first then do multi joint/strength main exercise, then do single joint
  • Clean and snatch phases1.Start position
    2. first pull
    3. transition phase
    4. second pull (triple extension happens here)
    5. the catch
  • clean and snatch
    First pull the barbell moves toward the body
    Second pull the barbell moves slightly away from body
    Catch: barbell moves closer to the body (over base and COG)
  • Transfer exercises for olympic lifts
    • RDL (1st and 2nd pull)
    • front squat (clean catch)
    • overhead squat (snatch catch)
    • overhead press (jerk)
  • Power is greatest right before triple extension and velocity is the greatest at triple extension in clean
  • Snatch has power greatest at triple extension and velocity greater shortly after
  • Jerk has power greatest right before bar lifts up for the catch and greatest velocity just there after
  • Olympic exercise variations for clean and snatch
    •       DB or KB Snatch
    •       DB or KB Swings
    •       Snatch Balance (catch)
    •       Clean Pull or Position Pulls
    •       UH MB Tosses
  • Matveyev's model of periodization
    • Preparatory phase: high vol/low intensity
    • Competitive phase: vol reduced and intensity increased
    • Transition phase: active rest/ exercise introduction
  • hypertrophy: 3-5 sets with 8-12 reps with low load
  • strength: sets 3-5, 4-6 reps, 80-85%
  • power: sets 3-5, 2-5 reps, 85-90%
  • muscular endurance: 3-5 sets of 12-15+ reps, low load; generally used as early preparatory phase
    Macrocycle (1+ year)
    Mesocycle 1-4 months of training
    Microcycle 5-10 days up to 4 weeks