Scope of Public admin

Cards (7)

  • Administration
    The systematic ordering of affairs and the calculated use of resources aimed at making those things happen which we want to happen and simultaneously preventing developments that fail to square with our intentions
  • Ingredients of administration
    • People must be present and agree to take action - cooperation
    • There must be a clearly defined objective - a goal
    • A step must be taken regarding what to do - action
    • The two must agree to relate and combine their efforts to act
  • Public administration
    The organization of government policies and programs as well as the behavior of officials (usually nonelected) responsible for their conduct
  • Public administration encompasses decision making, planning the work to be done, formatting objectives and goals, working with the legislature and citizen organizations to gain public support and funds for governmental programs, establishing and revising organization, directing, and supervising employees, providing leadership, communicating, and receiving communications, determining work methods and procedures, appraising performance, exercising controls and other functions performed by government executives and supervisors
  • Public Sensitivity: As governments are called upon to play increasingly active roles in times of rapid changes and social crisis, innovative and timely policy formulation becomes a prime necessity in the government. This would necessitate a new preparedness within the administrative set-up that is more revolutionary than past experiences.
  • Implementation Capacity: Effective policy implementation is a test kit for the coping capacity of the governments in today's complex situations. Goals must be clearly set; planning, programming, and projections must be followed step by step; and project management in all its ramifications and implications must have top priority in government. The strength of administration and the legitimacy of the government itself depend more and more on the administration's capacity to deliver the goods in time and in response to the demands of the citizens. This therefore calls for enhanced capability of the implementation machinery.
  • Shared Understanding of Social Reality: The capacity to cope with social and administrative complexity can be enhanced by a deliberate policy of organizational openness. The underlying assumption here is that the administration needs to understand the diverse interests and influences. In today's complex world, construction of administrative reality must be based on the shared understanding of its actors such as the top and middle managers, the employees, and the citizenry. Centralized bureaucracy does not fit in with the contemporaneous socio-administrative reality.