Cards (9)

  • de-Stalinization: social realism was no longer strictly enforced. Some criticism of the regime eg One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.
  • Some artists and performers were allowed to travel abroad
  • Limitation: some censorship continued. Boris Pasternak was not allowed to publish Dr Zhivago and Khrushchev himself hated modern art.
  • Limitation: the writing of history was also controlled, though some implicit criticism was allowed. Soviet propaganda remained strong and Khrushchev tried to create his own cult of personality
  • Limitation: the writing of history was also controlled, though some implicit criticism was allowed. Soviet propaganda remained strong and Khrushchev tried to create his own cult of personality
  • Under Khrushchev, there was a greater degree of personal freedoms
  • Khrushchev's housing schemes gave many private apartments for the first time which allowed private family life
  • The state was more interested in promoting individual welfare. Khrushcehv's educational reforms also created more social mobility, though membership of the party was the key to success
  • Travel in the Eastern Bloc was relatively easy, but much harder to go to the West