Sources of Wisdom and Authority - Essay Plans

Cards (8)

  • Examine the nature of the Bible as a source of wisdom and authority A01
    1. Conservatism
    - evangelical protestantism (word of God, genesis example, inerrancy)
    - catholicism (apostolic tradition and succession, living tradition - open to understanding + interpretation, god's speech put down in writing under holy spirit)

    2. Neo orthodox
    - rejects inerrancy / full of contradictions
    - not the word of God. Revealed through jesus instead
    - scripture is a vehcile through which God may be experienced

    3. Liberalism
    - social gospel: bible is a set of ethical recommendations. Biblical teachings
    - process theology: god is not all powerful, cannot intervene, miracles didn't happen. Bible human document
  • Examine the nature of the church as a source of wisdom and authority A01
    - Jesus' incarnation
    - jesus gave authority to the church (story of peter)
    - Roman Catholic: apostolic tradition / succession
    - Protestant church: sola scriptura / priesthood of all believers
  • Examine different interpretations of the Church as a source of wisdom and authority A01

    - Jesus and Simon Peter story: Catholic interpretation
    - Jesus and Simon Peter story: other denominations
    - Catholic Church: apostolic tradition and succession. Embrace scripture and tradition
    - Protestant church: sola scriptura, church is the creation of the word, priesthood of all believers
  • Examine the nature of Jesus as a source of wisdom and authority A01
    - incarnation claims
    - titles: son of god and son of man
    - Jesus was only human (Arianism)
    - conservative readings of the text
    - liberal readings of the text
  • The church is the most important source of authority for Christians'. Evaluate this claim A02

    1. Catholics would argue that the church has to interpret scripture —> others say scripture is more important because it contains God's word
    2. Parts of the bible are outdated and don't speak to modern issues so we need the church to interpret —> some individuals can read the bible on their own. Interpret it on their own and experience God through it
    3. Pope is seen as God's ambassador. His teachings are infallible —> humans can still make errors. Jesus has more authority because he is God incarnate. The word created the church
  • Jesus is only a role model'. A02

    1. Arius rejects ideas that Jesus was incarnated —> he was incarnation and was miraculously raised
    2. Jesus spoke about faith in God but 'atonement' is about a personal prayer life —> Jesus died on the cross to save people from their sins. Justification by faith
    3. Performed miracles —> Bultmann Demythologisation
  • Examine differing Christian views on the wisdom and authority of Jesus A01
    1. Adoptionism
    2. Arianism
    3. Liberalism
    4. Demythologisation
  • Examine different interpretations of Jesus' teaching in Matthew 5 v 38-48 as a source of wisdom and authority A01
    1. Do not resist who is evil: liberal and conservative
    2. Give to him who begs from you: liberal and conservative
    3. Be perfect: liberal and conservative
    4. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you: liberal and conservative