An expanded paper that presents interpretations and analyses of a phenomenon based on experiments and previous information so that the readers can better understand it
Parts of a research report
Title page
Contains an informative title that describes the content of the paper, the name of author/s, addresses or affiliations, and date of submission
Informative title examples
Effects of AI on the Academic Achievement of Grade 11 Students
Development and Validation of a Software for Detecting Plagiarism
Contains the summary of the research findings and conclusions. It briefly presents the context of the study, research questions or objectives, methodology, major findings, conclusions, and sometimes implications
Explains the current state of the field and identifies research gaps. It is also the part where the research focus is presented by addressing the identified gaps in the topic. It puts the research topic in context. It is usually three to five paragraphs long
Literature review
Contains the summary and synthesis of all available sources directly related to the study. In a research report, the literature review is divided into two sections: related concepts and related studies
Describes how the experiments or tests in the research were conducted. It presents the context within which the study was conducted, the participants, the instruments used, data gathering procedure, and the data analysis
Factually describes the data gathered and the tables and graphs that summarize the collected data. Along with the tables and graphs are their respective interpretations
Provides an explanation of all the results in relation to the previous studies presented in the literature review. It restates the research problems or objectives and major findings, explains whether the study supports or rejects previous findings and why, and states any new findings uncovered
Contains the restatement of the major findings, the limitations of the study, the recommendations, and the implications
Contains the different sources used in the study. These may be academic books, journals, and other online sources. Its format depends on the school, teacher, or field of study
Guidelines for writing a research report
50-75% of the paper should be devoted to results and discussion
Cite all sources whether paraphrased or directly quoted
Use direct quotations sparingly, paraphrase as much as possible
Strictly follow the required documentation style
Topics should be relevant, interesting, current, and manageable
Research questions should directly address the given topic or thesis statement
Thesis statement: Facebook has an effect on the academic performance of senior high school students
Research questions
Does exposure to Facebook affect students' performance during examination?
Does exposure to Facebook affect students' attention span during class activities?
Does exposure to Facebook affect students' participation in curricular activities?