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  • Control and opposition
    Living Under Nazi Rule - The Establishment of the Dictatorship
  • The Establishment of the Dictatorship
    1. 1933-39
    2. Germany in war 1939-1945
    3. Occupation 1939-1945
  • Changing Lives 1933-39
    • Nazi Ideology
    • Ignore the Treaty of Dersailles
    • Destroy Communism
    • Subdue Jewish population
    • Brot un arbeit
    • Aryan supremacy
    • Lebensraum
    • Nationalism
    • Strong central government
  • Removing Question
    1. Enabling Act 24th March 1933
    2. 5th March Election Nazis gain 44% of the Reichstag. Need 2/3 majority.
    3. 24 March-Hitler gets Reichstag to pass Enabling Act. Gains support of other parties through promises.
    4. SA surround Kroll Opera House where vote is.
    5. Hitler pass whatever law without consultation.
    6. Germany now a dictatorship
  • Reichstag Fire-27th Feb 1933
    1. A month after Hitler becomes Chancellor
    2. Marus van der Lubbe (Dutch Communist) blamed.
    3. Emergency Decree passed
    4. police given extreme powers agars! Communists
    5. 4000 Communists arrested, including Party leader.
    6. Week before the March 1933 election
  • Gleichschallung (into line)

    1. Civil Service Act 1933
    2. Official encouragement of anth Semilism (business boycol)
    3. Book burning at Munich Uni
    4. Use of terror (e.g Dachaul
  • The SS
    • Heinrich Himmler. Elite Aryan soldiers who purge enemies and protect Hitler. Black uniforms and later leaders of death camps. Rep for obedience.
  • The SD
    • Reinhard Heydrich. Role was to gather intelligence and spy on education/arts/government/ Churches/Jewish groups and feed back to Gestapo
  • The Gestapo
    • Created by Göring in 1933. Also led by Himmler in 1936. Secret police force - only 15,000 officers. Suppressed opposition and infamous for torturing victims. Relied on informants.
  • The Police
    • Nazis inherit the police force that already exists. Orpo (ordinary police) and Kripo (criminal police). Himmler head of police force 1936. Promote Nazi leaders. Provide intelligence and arrest offenders.
  • Judges and Courts
    • Nazis inherit the court system. Judges made to swear oath to Hitler. Courts pass more death sentences for crimes - 40,000 executed. 'People's Court' had no jury and a predetermined verdict
  • Concentration Camps (NOT extermination)
    • Dachau created in 1933. Work force made of Communists, Trade Unionists, SD, idle, criminals, homosexuals, Jews, gypsies. Theodore Eicke reformed these to make them harsher in 1933/4. 1937 Himmler: guards cannot be jailed
  • Newspapers
    • Nazis set up the Reich Press Chamber to control existing papers. By 1939, control 2/3. Also publish their own e.g Der Stummer. The 'Editor's Law' passed to censor content
  • Radio
    • Nazis set up the Reich Radio Company to control existing stations. Played German folk music - no jazz/Jewish composers and speeches. Mass produced cheap People's Radio sets so that 70% own them by 1939.
  • Film
    • Created the Reich Film Chamber to limit foreign films and promote German films. By 1939, Nazis fund 2/3 of all films e.g The Eternal Jew. 1934 Reich Cinema Law censored all scripts.
  • Rallies
    Giant rallies held to showcase Nazi support. Had speeches, bands, parades and mock battles. Largest was Nuremberg Rally 1934 where 500 trains comed 250,000 people to the arena. Leni Riefenstahl (filmmaker) creates The Triumph of Will film with Hiller.
  • Berlin Olympics 1936
    • Opportunity to demonstrate Nazi Germany's power. Remove anti-Semitic posters and replace with swastikas, build 100.000 seat stadium. German team all Aryan and win most gold medals EXCEPT Jesse Owens African American long jumper who disproves racial theory.
  • Posters
    • Most common form of propaganda. Posters displaying anti-Semitic slogans and pro-Nazi Party messages placed around towns/villages. Increase during WWII.
  • The Left
    • Young Communists-me secretly and dressed in anti-Nan style and wrote anti-Nan leaflets
  • The Social Democrats
    • Most leaders flee in 1933. Small resistance groups e.g Hanover only has 250 members but is the largest. Targeted industrial areas. Anti-Nad leaflets and posters. Gestapo ames! 1200. Did not combine forces with Communists so limited power
  • Opposition from the Youth
    • Young Christians- 2.5 million members, however meetings were banned so went on legal pilgrimages
  • The Communists
    • More active than SD. Visible resistance with meetings, newsletters. propagando BUT easily targeted by Gestapo. Produce The Red Flag- 10.000 copies a month. Example-Georg Esler (Trade Unionist and Communist) tried to bomb Hitler in 1939, Caught, imprisoned at Dachau for 5 years. executed.
  • Edelweiss Pirates
    • Formed in Germany in war 1939-1945. Listened to jazz and danced. Had long hair, wore wide trousers. Himmler sets up special Gestapo group to target them. Arrested and sent to camos.
  • Swing Kids
    • Formed in 1938 and wore Edelweiss flower. Organised camps, stened anti-Nazi leallets and graffiti. Some even picked fights with Hitler Youth members. Some publicly hanged.
  • Church
    • Large % of Germany religious-22 million Catholics 40 milion Protestants. July 1933, Hiller and Pope Pius XI sign the 'Concordat' to keep interference out of Germany and 'protect' Churches in Germany. BUT Hitler closes all church schools and arrest priests. For Protestants, a new Reich Church was set up and pastors had to sign oath to Hitler. All promises of non-interference broken. Cardinal Galen: Catholic bishop, preaches against Nazi racial policy, speaks against Nazi 14 programme against people with disabililies, too high profile so powerful opponent. Martin Neimoller Starts non-Nazi Church (Confessional Church) with 6000 paston. Preached against Nazi racial policy. Sent to Sachsenhausen and then Dachau, but survives. Pope Pius XI: After signing Concordat, Pope Pius XI writes letter which condemned Nazis and smuggled into Germany, read in churches. PoulSchneider Protestant pastor who joined Neimoller's church and preached against Nazi policies. Arrested in 1934 and 1935. Bans Nazis from his sermons. Sent to Buchenwald comp and executed. Jehovah's Witnesses: Pacifists, write anti-Nazi leaflets. 6000 imprisoned.
  • Marriage and children
    Mariages increased from 516,000 in 1932 to 772,000 in 1939. Births rose 1930s but by 1939 rate declined.
  • Home and work
    No. of women in employment increased 1933-39. Agriculture 4.6 million (1933) to 4.9 milion (1939). Industry-2.7 million (1933) to 3.3 million (1939).
  • Higher education
    No. of women in higher education fell dramatically. Lack of qualified women became problem in WWII.
  • Nazi policies/intentions
    Loans of 1000 Reichmarks to Aryan couples-250.000 taken in 1934. Honour Cross of German Mothers -Bronze (4), Silver (6). Gold (8). Divorce made easier. Remove women from jobs and keep in the home to nurture family. Loans given only if woman gave up her job. Restrictions removed 1937 due to need for workers in build up to war. Remove women from higher education. Female enrolment at university limited to 10% of all students allowed in.
  • Controlling teachers
    Politically unreliable' teachers sacked in 1933. Jewish teachers banned from non-Jewish schools. Nazi Teachers League established.
  • Specialist schools
    Napola (military cadet schools) set up by SS and SA. Adolf Hitler Schools run by leaders of Hitler Youth - create future leaders. Neither successful-only 6173 students in 16 Napola and 10 Hitler schools by 1939.
  • Nazi Curriculum
    Old textbooks thrown out, had to follow lessons that emphasises Nazi ideology. Maths examples used anti-Semitic and anti-disability focus. Biology studied Aryan race. PE was 15% of boys timetables.
  • Youth Organisations
    Hitler Youth was set up
  • Germany in war 1939-1945
    • g, be in the kitchen, traditional German clothes, 'physically robust' for childbirth
  • Germany in war
  • Living Under Nazi Rule - The Changing Lives of Young People
  • The Establishment of the Dictatorship
    • Controlling teachers
    • Politically unreliable' teachers sacked in 1933
    • Jewish teachers banned from non-Jewish schools
    • Nazi Teachers League established
    • Specialist schools Napola (military cadet schools) set up by SS and SA
    • Adolf Hitler Schools run by leaders of Hitler Youth - create future leaders
  • Neither successful-only 6173 students in 16 Napola and 10 Hitler schools by 1939
  • Nazi Curriculum
    • Old textbooks thrown out, had to follow lessons that emphasises Nazi ideology
    • Maths examples used anti-Semitic and anti-disability focus
    • Biology studied Aryan race
    • PE was 15% of boys timetables
  • Youth Organisations
    • Hitler Youth was set up in late 1920s. Sections for girls, boys, juniors and seniors
    • Compulsory to join in 1936 and compulsory to attend meetings 1939
    • Shut down other youth groups- only way to access facilities