When someone feels a connection with, or in the presence of the divine
What are the two types of religious experience?
Direct experience - person feels in contact with God
Indirect experience - person is aware of God
Who suggests there are 7 types of religious experience?
Caroline Frank Davis
What are the 7 types of religious experience, according to Caroline Frank Davis?
Quasi sensory
What does numinous mean?
Experiencing the holiness of God
What is a revelatory experience?
Revelation is divine self-disclosure
What are the two types of revelatory experience?
Propositional revelation
Non-propositional revelation
What is propositional revelation?
God communicates his divine message to humans
What is non-propositional revelation?
A moment of realisation of divine truth comes through religious experience
What is a mystical experience?
A direct intuition or experience of God
What are the 3 aspects of mysticism?
God mysticism
Nature mysticism
Soul mysticism
What is God mysticism?
The idea that humans want to return to God
What is nature mysticism?
The belief that God is imminent
What is soul mysticism?
The idea of finding the soul
What happened to Theresa of Avila?
An angel pierced her heart, transferring God’s love to her
What is a conversion experience?
A direct experience that happens to someone who is dissatisfied with their current belief system and then they sense God
What happened to Saul on the road to Damascus?
Had a conversion experience after he saw a bright light that blinded him, and “something like scales fell from his eyes”. He saw Jesus and then was baptised and changed his name to Paul
What is William James’ criteria for religious experience?
What does passive mean?
Something is acting on the person
What does ineffible mean?
What does noetic mean?
A deep knowledge which can’t be reached by reason
What does transient mean?
Temporary, with effects lasting a lifetime
What happened at the Toronto blessing?
At Toronto airport passengers felt filled with the holyspirit and had an increasedawareness of Gods love
What happened to people at the Toronto blessing?
Religious ecstasy, uncontrollable laughter, euphoria, crying
What is a counter argument to the Toronto blessing?
What is the cumulative argument?
Lots of people have had religious experiences, they can’t all be making it up so God must create some of them
What is this historical argument?
Many people in history have had religiousexperiences, which have been so great they must be true
What did Swinburne come up with?
Principle of Testimony
Principle of Credulity
What does the principle of testimony say?
People usually tell the truth so we should trust them unless given a reason not to do so
What does the principle of credulity say?
Those experiencing God should believe what their senses are telling them
If it seems x is present it probably is
If there is no evidence of mentalillness we have no reason to distrust people
What does Freud say about religion?
Wishfulthinking, a form of neurotic illness
What does CarlJung say about religious experience?
We have an innate tendency to create religious images
What is the physiological explanation for religious experience?
Some religious experiences have similar symptoms to mentalillness and seizures
What does Dawkins say about religious experience?
People are ignorant of the straightforward psychological or physical explanations for what they see
Our brain can trick us (eg opticalillusions), so people who see religious experiences are just seeing opticalillusions, and they are gullible
What does Dawkins say about the Yorkshire Ripper?
The Yorkshire Ripper “heard Jesus” telling him to murder, and Dawkins argues that Christians would not say this is true. Therefore they are choosing what constitutes as a valid religious experience - shouldn’t all experiences be valid if they exist?
What is a quote from Dawkins about religious experience?
“When a few people hear voices or see visions, they are called insane. If a large group of people hear voices or see visions, they are called religious.”