Protein molecules with a quaternary structure that has evolved to make it efficient at loading oxygen under one set of conditions but unloading it under a different set of conditions
1. Primary structure (sequence of amino acids in the four polypeptide chains)
2. Secondary structure (each polypeptide chain is coiled into a helix)
3. Tertiary structure (each polypeptide chain is folded into a precise shape)
4. Quaternary structure (all four polypeptides are linked together to form an almost spherical molecule, each associated with a haem group containing a ferrous ion)
Scientists observed that many organisms possessed haemoglobin and proposed it carried oxygen from the gas exchange surface to the tissues requiring it for respiration
Different haemoglobins have different affinities for oxygen due to slightly different amino acid sequences resulting in different tertiary and quaternary structures
Muscular organ that lies in the thoracic cavity behind the sternum (breastbone) and operates continuously and tirelessly throughout the life of an organism
This is because when blood is passed through the lungs, its pressure is reduced, so it needs to be returned to the heart to boost pressure before circulating to the rest of the body
The final exchange from blood vessels into cells is rapid because it takes place over a large surface area, across short distances and there is a steep diffusion gradient