According to Freud, our childhood experiences determine our personality and behaviour.
Id-Unconscious mind, instinctive and selfish ”Pleasure Principle”.Primitive, we‘re both with them
Conciense and moral rules developed during upbringing
Behaviour that is the result of conflict between the id and the superego. The ego tries to compromise between what we want and how we think we should act
Psychoanalysis Link to Crime:
poor relationship with parents during childhood due to neglect or excessive parenting (Too strict) can result in a over-harsh or deviant superego
Harsh Superego- feelings of guild about anti-social or selfish acts so will be antisocial or criminal to satisfy id
Harsh Superego- feelings of Guilt and craving punishment may become repeat offender
Deviant Superego- Where the child is successfully socialised but learns deviant moral code. A son may have good relationship with a criminal parent and such their superego will mot keep their id in check
J Bowlby believed tere is a link between maternal deprivation (Lack of motherly love and deviancy/criminality
If the mother-child attachment is broken due to separation for even a short period, it can stop the child developing meaningfulemotional relationships with others
”Affection-lessPsychopathy”- can lead to criminality