Marxism argues that unequal structure of capitalism shapes peoples behaviour
Crime is inevitable for Marxists, because capitalism is criminogenic (causes crime)
Exploitation of working class leads them to poverty meaning they may commit crime to help themselves.
Capitalism pushes consumer goods to the population so they commit crimes to go in them as they become desperate.
Making and EnforcingLaw:
Marxists see the law as a system to benefit the rich
William Chambliss argues that laws against homeless, squatting etc, are to control the poor, but no laws to stop the rich owning multiple homes.
Marxists argue that selectivelawenforcement means whitecollarcrime goes unpoliced.
Marxists argue the ideology of crime is to hide inequality in society, putting blame for deviant behaviour on the criminal rather than on those responsible for inequality.
Selectivelawenforcement shows the workingclass as more criminal