Cards (81)

  • Social Psych
    • study of individuals as they interact with others
  • Social Psych - Study of how thoughts, feelings, and perception are influenced by presence of interaction with others
  • Social Psych - effect of social factors on individual's behavior, attitude, and perception
  • Interaction - mutual or reciprocal exchange of communication
  • Relationship - particular way group behave towards each other
  • Relationship - there is a connection between them
  • Social Norms - spoken and unspoken rules how to behave on particular social groups
  • Social Facilitation - Performance of individual is enhanced
  • Social Loafing - individuals are less motivated when working in group compared when working alone
  • Conformity - yields with group pressure, acts as everyone else (Cooperation, Compliance)
  • Factors that affects Conformity
    1. Size of the Group - more people in the group, more likely to conform
    2. Unanimous Group - conformity is the highest when individuals feels the same way about a topic or issue
    3. Culture - some cultures emphasize welfare of individual
    4. Gender - in the past, female are more likely to conform than male
  • Social Role - position in society
  • Social Role - whether aware or not, individual plays a role, we play as members adapting to various changes to fit in expectations
  • Social Norms - sets of expectation how one should behave within social particular group
  • Relationship - most important aspect in our social lives
    • whether positive or conflicted, lack of relationship could lead to loneliness
  • Familiarity - being comfortable with another person
  • Familiarity - people like to associate themselves with someone who they are similar with (attitudes, fashion, taste, etc.)
  • Attraction - according to Santrock, attraction may lead to deeper relationships
  • Attraction - paves the way for enjoying company and being comfortable with another person
  • Love - special attachment one has for self and others
  • Love - intense feeling of affection and sees the good of another
  • Love - the willingness to sacrifice for happiness of someone
  • Intimacy - feeling of closeness and bonding, experience of warmth in relationship
  • Passion - feeling of attraction and arousal, motivation to act in those urges
  • Commitment - active choice to love, maintain the love you have
  • Liking - Intimacy
  • Liking - characterized true friendship, closeness with another person but not intense passion and long term commitment
  • Infatuated Love - Passion
  • Infatuated Love - love at first sight, intimacy and commitment (may disappear suddenly)
  • Empty Love - commitment
  • Empty Love - commitment remains but the intimacy and passion have died (arranged marriage)
  • Romantic Love - intimacy + passion
  • Romantic Love - emotionally bonded (liking) and physically through passionate arousal
  • Companionate Love - Intimacy+ commitment
  • Companionate Love - often found in marriage, passion has gone out but deep affection and commitment remains
  • Companionate Love - personal relation you build with someone you share your life with no sexual or physical desire
  • Fatuous Love - Passion + commitment
  • Fatuous Love - whirlwind courtship, commitment is largely motivated by passion without influence of intimacy
  • Consummate Love - complete form of love
  • ATTITUDES - refer to beliefs, feelings, or behavioral tendencies a person has toward attitude objects, person, place, thing, or idea (can either be positive or negative)