Lib Gov response

Cards (9)

  • What were the Gladstonian policies?
    God helps those who help themselves
  • What was the people's budget?
    Tax on the rich, beer, tobacco, petrol
    Initially thrown out by the House of Lords until Lib, Lab and the Irish came together and go it passed
  • What did Hobhouse and Hobson want?
    Hobhouse: collective action
    Hobson: state intervention
  • What was New Liberalism and what caused it?
    Change from the old Gladstonian policies
    Threat from Germany; social reform introduced by Bismark
  • What caused the Lib Refs?
    Eric Evans: NE
    Threat of Germany
    DLG putting pressure on a pragmatic Asquith
  • What was the 1906 Education Act?
    Free school meals
    1913: half of the local authorities still hadn't done it
  • What was the Old Age Pensions Act 1908?
    Gave 5 shillings a week to working class 70+
    Not many lived to 70
  • What was the National Insurance Act 1911?
    Unemployed: 35p a week for up to 13 weeks, not universal
    Ill: 50p a week for up to 13 weeks, free treatment but had to be paid for by family
    Employees had to pay 4d a week, more that state and employers
  • Analysis of Lib Refs
    Edward Royle: tried to help
    G.Williams: Foundation for change
    Aim was safety net introduced by T.H Green in the 1880s