Christianity beliefs and practises

Cards (27)

  • What are the 3 key qualities God is thought to be?
    omnipotent, omnibenevolent, just
  • What is exclusivism?

    idea you can only go to heaven if you're christian
  • What is inclusivism?

    idea that christianity is prefered but others have the possibility to go to heaven
  • What is pluralism?

    idea that everyone (regardless of religion) can go to heaven
  • What is a fundamentalist view on creation of the earth?

    That the earth was created as stated in Genesis
  • What is a liberal view on creation of the earth?

    Genesis is a metaphor but earth came about scientifically - like Big Bang
  • Catholic ideas about afterlife
    After death you go to heaven or hell but also purgatory before where you will be cleansed before heaven
  • What is original sin?
    The idea everyone is born with sin as a result of human nature shown by Adam and Eve's actions
  • What are some christian ideas about Jesus's crucifixion to be used in life?

    Jesus had courage in a hard time (they too should have courage) , Jesus surrendered himself to God's will (should be of service to God)
  • What are some christian ideas about Jesus's resurrection to be used in life?

    good will always triumph over evil, helps eliminate fear of death, Jesus was really God's son (his teaching has authority)
  • What is atonement?

    idea that Christs death restored the relationship between people and God when he died and was resurrected
  • What is the Incarnation?
    idea that god became human through Jesus so he knows human pain and can understand them
  • Why do christians worship?
    gives meaning, can show devotion to God, provides comfort, will help them go to heaven
  • What are the 4 types of worship?
    Liturgical, Non-liturgical, Informal, Private
  • How many sacraments do catholics follow?
    7 - which they believe were initiated by Jesus
  • How many sacraments do protestants follow?
    2 - commanded by Jesus
  • Why do some christian's believe in infant baptism?
    washes away baby's original sin
  • Why do some christian's believe in adult baptism?
    don't believe babies have sin and should wait until they can make the decision for themselves
  • What do catholics believe about communion?

    Jesus is fully present because bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. Believers share in the saving sacrifice of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
  • What do protestants believe about communion?

    act is purely symbolic of jesus’ sacrifice to help believers reflect
  • What is the purpose of communion?
    to thank God for sending Jesus to earth and remember his sacrifice which saved mankind
  • What are some similarities between Lourdes and Iona?
    allow christians to connect to God and worship as a community
  • What are the differences between Lourdes and Iona?
    Iona has no supernatural element, Iona is isolated so christians can feel connect to spiritual life
  • What might a christian do at Iona?
    talk about God, pray at the chapel, walk and reflect as a community, study bible in a group, attend workshops, visit the islands holy or historic sites
  • What might a catholic do at Lourdes?
    pray, confession, help the sick, bathe in the waters for healing
  • Why do christians pray?
    adoration, confession, give thanks, ask for help/guidance
  • What are the 2 types of prayer?
    set prayer or informal prayer