self report techniques

Cards (12)

  • what is a self report?
    • individual talking about thoughts, feelings and beliefs
  • questionnaires
    • self report technique
    • can either be open or closed questions or both
  • evaluating open question questionnaires
    +less chance of researcher bias - if questionnaire is anonymous, they can give their true thoughts without researcher input
    -lack validity - may answer in a socially desirable way to researcher
  • closed questions evaluation

    +quantitative data so easy to analyse as a graph
    -produce response bias - can't give full opinions on answers
  • what are interviews?
    • self report technique on
    • face to face or telephone
  • what are the 3 interview designs?
    • STRUCTURED - answering a predetermined list of questions
    • UNSTRUCTURED - more relaxed conversation between friends
    • SEMI STRUCTURED - in between
  • structured interviews
    • questions decide in advance and asked in the same order for everyone
    • interviewer uses an interview schedule ( same questions asked for everyone)
    • record answers by taking notes or ticking boxes on their schedule
  • evaluating structured interviews
    +quantitative data is easy to analyse and make direct comparisons with
    -investigator effects may occur
  • unstructured interviews
    • more like a conversation with no set questions
    • very little is decided in advance
    • produces large amounts of qualitative data
    • answers will be audio or visually recorded
  • evaluating structured interviews
    +reduced investigator effects which increases validity
    +participants can justify answers
    -time consuming and expensive as a trained psychologist is required
  • semi-structured interviews
    • mostly prepared questions with additional questions asked when necessary
    • typically produces rich qualitative data
  • evaluating semi-structured interviews
    +increased validity due to encouraging participants to be honest and gain further information if required
    -analysing the data can be time consuming and expensive compared to structured interviews