Book 2

Cards (9)

  • Aeneas recounts the fall of Troy for the people of Carthage
  • The Greeks build a big wooden horse and pretend that it is a sacrifice to Neptune in return for safe travel home
  • The Greeks however just sail to the island of Tenedos and leave Sinon behind
  • Laocoon, a priest of Neptune, doesn't believe Sinon but the Trojans do not listen to him.
  • Laocoon throws a spear at the horse and Minerva sends two sea serpents to kill him and his two sons
  • The Trojans, thinking the two snakes are a sign from Neptune in support of the offering, drag the wooden horse inside
  • The women and the girls of Troy dance around the wooden horse with garlands of flowers
  • The Greeks escape the horse and open the gates of Troy, letting their other soldiers into Troy
  • Hector Appears to Aeneas and tells him to leave the city and take the household gods with him