Cards (4)

  • Growth of Liberal Opposition
    1895 NII rejected petition, but Zemstvo still demanded all class district zemstvo & National Assembly
    1896 Shipov tried to set up "All Zemstvo Organisation"
    1899 Radical liberals set up "Beseda Symposium" This led liberal movement
    1900 100s of liberals dismissed from elected boards of Zemstvo
    1903 Struve helped found "Union of Liberation" Wanted constitutional system = legally workers could campaign
    1904 Union's grand meeting & banquets for liberal elite
  • 1899 SR's
    Social Revolutionary Party Organisation
    Wide variety of views
    Combined Marxist & Populist ideas in specifically "Russian" programme
    Most influential theorist - Chernov
    Chernov - Law grad & editor of party journal. Party leader in 2nd Duma 1907
  • Bolsheviks (Majority)

    Led by Lenin
    Believed in:
    Centralised & disciplined organisation of professional revolutionaries
    Total dedication to revolution not compromised by political alliances
    1912 4th Duma had 6 workers deputies
    Newspaper, Pravda (The Truth) had high circulation, but overall support limited
    1905+ Membership declined
  • SR & SD's
    Survived at local level only
    Weakened by:
    Exile of leaders
    Rivalry between SR & SD
    Split within SD
    Ideological divisions & disagreements over how to respond to 1905 defeat
    Success of Secret Police
    Organisation difficulties - lack of finance & shortage of secret printing presses