1.1 The Drainage basin system

Cards (21)

  • Outputs: Evaporation
    water turning into water vapour
  • Outputs: Evapotranspiration
    The process of evaporation and transpiration together
  • Outputs: River Discharge
    The volume of water flowing through a river at a given point.
  • Stores: Interception
    Precipitation that is intercepted by the leaves and branches of a plant.
  • Stores: Soil Water
    The amount of water that can be stored in the soil.
  • Stores: Surface Water

    Any type of water stored on the surface, such as puddles, ponds or lakes.
  • Stores: Ground Water
    Water stored underground in saturated areas under the surface.
  • Stores: Channel Storage
    Water held in a river or stream channel.
  • Flows: Throughfall
    Precipitation that penetrates through the canopy and reaches the soil surface by canopy drip.
  • Flows: Stemflow
    The flow of intercepted water down the trunk or stem of a plant.
  • Flows: Overland Flow
    The flow of water that occurs when water runs across the Earth's surface.
  • Flows: Channel Flow
    The movement of water within the river channel.
  • Flows: Infiltration
    The flow of water moving through soil and rock layers that make up the Earth's surface.
  • Flows: Percolation
    Water seeping through the soil into the water table.
  • Flows: Throughflow
    Water moving slowly downhill through soil and rock.
  • Flows: Groundwater Flow

    Very slow water movement deep below the ground through hard rock and compacted soil.
  • Flows: Baseflow
    Groundwater flow that feeds into rivers through river banks and river beds.
  • Underground water: Water Tables
    The boundary between water-saturated ground and unsaturated ground.
  • Underground water: Ground Water
    The water underground in saturated zones beneath the land surface.
  • Underground water: Recharge
    The process of water seeping through the soil to replenish aquifers.
  • Underground water: Springs
    Where underground water finds an opening on the land surface and emerges.