-Organic sewage, e.g animal and human waste, nitrates, silage.
-Effluent disposal, e.g domestic/industrial.
-Disposing waste in waterways
Solutions to Water Pollution
-Improve sanitation
-Restriction on chemicals
-Protect water sources
-Purify water
Pollution Facts
Air-91% of the worlds population are breathing in polluted air every day, 10 of the 15 most polluted cities are in India.Land-3.2bn people worldwide are negatively impacted by land pollution, over 75% of the land area on earth is degraded.Water-70% of industrial waste is dumped in water, 840,000 people die of water related diseases each year.
Water Security
Capacity of a population to have sustainable access to adequate quantities of acceptable clean water.
Three A's-access, appropriate, affordable.
Water Facts
-750 million people around the world have access to clean water (1 in 9).
-Women and children spend 140 million hours a day collecting water.
Water Issues-Surplus vs Deficit
-Some countries have more than needed, others don't have enough.
Depends on;
-climate (evaporation)
-proximity of rivers
-economic development
-population density
-importance of agriculture
-amount of precipitation
Water Issues-Management
-Difficult decisions have to be made about how to allocate water and how to manage it.
-Legislation (hosepipe ban etc)
-Dams or reservoirs ?
-Managing river levels/protection of rivers.
Water Issues-Pollution
-Mining affects how potable water is
-Chemicals, e.g nuclear
-Fly tipping controversy
-Farming fertilisers
-When river levels fall, pollution becomes more concentrated.
Water Issues-Stress vs Scarcity
Stress-less than 1700m of water per person, per year. 2/3rds of world population will be affected by 'severe water stress' by 2025.Scarcity-less than 1000m of water per person per year. 'Sleeping tiger of worlds problems'.
Water Issues-Economic and Physical Scarcity
Economic-population doesn't have monetary means to utilise adequate supply of water.
-Link between poverty and water resources is very clear.
LIC's-walk to water collectors etc.
-More affluent use more water in an increasing number of ways.
LIC-agriculture accounts for 80% of total water use.
HIC-agriculture accounts for 40% of total water use.
Reasons for Changes in Water Supply/Demand-Physical Changes
-Number of world's great rivers are running out, e.g Colorado.
-Different plants need different amounts of water
-Demand for industrial use has expanded particularly rapidly.
-Arid and semi-arid regions experience physical water scarcity as low precipitation.
-Amount of 'virtual water' increased (used/embeded to produce food).
Reasons for Changes in Water Supply/Demand-Climate Changes
More than enough precipitation for global population (110000km/year), however;
-60% of population live inures receiving only 25% of global precipitation.
-Arid regions cover 40% of world but only receive 2% of precipitation.
-Climate change is increasing acidity and reducing supply in many regions.
-Pollution is threatening many water sources.
Reasons for Changes in Water Supply/Demand-Man Made Issues/Changes
-Groundwater being drained faster than it can be replenished
-Major aquifers seriously depleted
-Global population growth has increased pressure on worlds water supplies
-Many countries experiencing rising per person usage of water
-As global urbanisation continues, increase in demand for potable water
Water Scarcity
-Lack of sufficient water resources to meet demand within a region.
-2bn people globally suffer from water scarcity for at least 1 month a year
-Affects every continent
-By 2025 expected 70% of worlds population may face water shortages.
Physical Water Scarcity
-Inadequate resources to supply demand (demand > supply)
-Dry and arid regions, e.g N.America associated with physical water scarcity.
-Can occur when over-allocation/development of water resources.
-Many water systems now under stress:rivers/aquifers are drying up, half of worlds wetland disappeared.
Economic Water Scarcity
-Result of poor human management of available water resources.
-Causes by lack of management in e.g water facilities.
-Africa and Indonesia suffer huge economic scarcity (power cuts due to inability of power plats to produce enough energy)
Variations in Price of Water
Due to;
-cost of obtaining supply
-lack of adequate infrastructure
China's Water Security
-Issue that could threaten future economic growth
-Huge amounts of demand from increased population and urbanisation
-Water resources are unevenly distributed
-Rainfall is monsoonal (occurs in short concentrated blocks)
China South-North Water Transfer Project
-Estimated that in next 30 years aquifers beneath North China plain will dry up.
To solve this South-North water project put in place;
-transfer 12 trillion gallons of water per year via three canals from Yangtze River to Yellow River.
-aim of project to link 4 major rivers across entire country
-took almost 50 years from conception to launch
-cost $62 billion
China South-North Water Transfer Project (Benefits/Drawbacks)
Benefits;-supply water through droughts-decrease in over withdrawal from groundwater-less subsidence in Beijing-ecosystems revivingDrawbacks;-maybe not enough for future requirements-Chinas population still growing-Displaced 380,000 people-Pollution levels still rising in some rivers
Other Solutions to China Water Problem
i)Rainwater harvesting-21 million Chinese harvest rainwater for domestic use (save huge amounts of money).
ii)Reducing water usage-repairs etc.
iii)Increasing water prices-helps to discourage waste of water
iv)N.China Inner Mongolia region-transferring water downstream.
Natural Capital
The stock of natural assets from which humans derive a wide range of goods and services and that sustain all of life on earth, often called ecosystem services.
Land Degradation
The reduction or loss of biological and economic productivity of land and its constituents; soil, water, and biodiversity.
Rural Degradation Facts
-On average 20% of global land is degraded to some extent
-Crop and grazing lands now cover more than five billion hectares, almost 40% of the Earth's land surface.
Causes of Rural Degradation-Overpopulation
As a result of economic development leading to a drop in death rate.
-Rising rural population puts great pressure on the land.
-Unemployment, malnutrition and even starvation are often the result if land can't produce higher yields.
Causes of Rural Degradation-Urban Areas and their Influence
Can affect degradation of rural surroundings in a number of different ways;
-Untreated wastewater is a major pollutant of rivers, which can contaminate rural communities.
-Urban use of groundwater can result in depletion of aquifer downstream.
Causes of Rural Degradation-Golf Courses
-Pesticides and fertilisers wash off into river causing algae bloom.
-Deforestation and loss of diversity
-Monoculture as only grass
-9 billion litres of water used per year on US golf courses, which leads to desertification.
-40,000 courses world wide.
Causes of Rural Degradation-Military Training
Salisbury Plain;
-Noise pollution from firing ranges (scare animals).
-Heavy machinery ruins top soil.
-Discarded rounds, metal and plastic etc, could be eaten by animals.