This is when psychological theories/studies don'trepresent experiences by one gender - usually women
Underlying human characteristics of human beings that can be applied to all despite differences of upbringing
Beta bias
Psychological theories/research that ignores gender differences assuming that findings from one gender can be applied to all
Normal behaviour= men's experience, so women's behaviour is deemed abnormal or deviant
Alpha Biased research
Gilligan's theory of moral development assumed that women make more moral decisions in a different way from men
Beta bias research
Fight or flight response- based on male examples, an example can come from 'Invisible Women'- women are more likely to die as it is based on the male response to stress
Gender bias occur before the research due to the research design and question format. It can occur after due to drawing innapropriate conclusions.
Publication bias- the tendency for researchers to publish only those studies that support their hypothesis, can link to gender bias