Unit-2: Consideration

Cards (20)

  • Consideration
    Something done or abstained from doing, or a promise to do or abstain from doing, by the Promisee or any other person, at the desire of the Promisor
  • Consideration
    • Must be something to which the law attaches value
    • Must not be unlawful, immoral, or opposed to public policy
  • Consideration from the promisor
    An act done at the desire of a third party is not consideration
  • Consideration from the promisee
    Consideration may proceed from the promisee or any other person who is a party to the contract
  • Executed (Present) and Executory Consideration
    An act by one party may be the consideration for a promise by the other party, and vice versa
  • Past Consideration
    The performance of an act by one party cannot be the consideration for a promise made by the other party at a later time
  • Adequacy of Consideration

    Something given in return need not be equal in value to something given
  • Performance of what one is legally bound to perform

    The performance of an act which a person is already legally bound to perform cannot be consideration for a contract
  • Consideration must be real and competent
  • Exception to the rule that a stranger to a contract cannot sue
    In the case of trust, family settlements, certain marriage contracts, assignment of contract benefits, acknowledgment/estoppel, covenants running with the land, and contracts entered into by an agent
  • Natural Love & Affection[Section 25 (1)]
    A written and registered agreement made out of natural love and affection between parties who stand in a near relationship to each other is enforceable even without consideration
  • Compensation for Past Voluntary Services[Section 25 (2)]

    A promise to pay for past voluntary services rendered to the promisor is enforceable without consideration, provided certain essential factors are met
  • Promise to Pay Time-Barred Debt[Section 25(3)]
    A written promise to pay a time-barred debt, signed by the person making it or by their authorized agent, is valid without consideration
  • Agency(section 185)

    No consideration is necessary to create an agency
  • Completed Gift(section 25)

    In the case of completed gifts, the rule of no consideration does not apply
  • Bailment(section 148)

    No consideration is required to affect a contract of bailment
  • Charity
    If a person promises to contribute to a charity, the contract shall be valid without consideration
  • Section 2 (d)

    defines Consideration
  • Doctrine of Privity of Contract
    Even a stranger to a contract may enforce a claim in some exceptions
  • An agreement made without consideration is said to be void (section 25)