Cards (35)

    Problem with communication between the eastern orthodox and roman catholic church
  • cause of the great schism
    difference in communication due to language, distance, theology and politics
  • michael cerularius
    was excommunicated by pope leo IX on July 16 1054
  • Byzantine in constantinople
    now called Istanbul, Turkey
  • Schism
    The refusal of submission to the roman pontiff or communication with the members of the church subject to him
  • Vocation
    call each one of us has in life to be the person god wants us to be
  • Ecumenism
    envisioned by pope john xxiii
  • Ecumenism
    It refers to the church concerns for unity among the Christian followers of Jesus
  • Ecumenism word origin:

    Greek word oikeo meaning to inhabit and oikos meaning a dwelling place
  • Oikumene
    greek word meaning whole inhabited world
  • Intra-Christian
    Give visible expression to deep unity in the trinitarian life that unites Christians through their common baptism.
  • Unitatis redintegratio in English: restoration of unity
    2nd Vatican Council's decree about ecumenism by Pope paul VI on November 21, 1964
  • Unitatis redintegratio
    states that god only founded one church and one church only
  • Ut Unum Sint meaning in English: that all would be one
    issued by pope john paul ii on may 25, 1995 entitled Christ's prayer at the last supper: father, may they all be one in us
  • Ut unum sint
    focuses on the roman catholic church's relationship with the orthodox churches and the Christian ecclesial communities
  • Goals of ecumenism
    are in unity in the essentials of the faith, common mission, service, worship, and sacramental life
  • Model is unity in diversity
    In essentials: unity, non essentials: Liberty and in all things: charity
  • Interfaith or interreligious dialogue
    christians relations with members of other world religions
  • The attitude of the church towards the followers of other religions: Reflections and orientations on dialogue and mission
    indicates the principle elements of this mission: presence and witness, commitment to social development and human liberation, liturgical life, prayer and contemplation, interreligious dialogue, and proclamation and catechesis.
  • Nostra aetate
    meaning in english]: in our time
  • Nostra Aetate
    it is the declaration on the relation of the church to non-christian religions
  • 3 fundamental reasons why nostra aetate is essential in the life of the church:
    1.) we all belong to one human family 2.) We are all gifted with the sense of spirituality 3.) we have a shared responsibility for the common good
  • Four forms of dialogue:
    1.) dialogue of life, dialogue of action, dialogue of religious experience and dialogue of theological exchange
  • Inculturation
    expression of dialogue with indigenous people's faith communities.
  • Christus vivit 

    meaning in english: christ is alive, published by pope francis dedicated to the young and the entire people of God
  • 3 great truths for the youth:

    god loves you, christs saves you, he is alive!
  • vocation
    call to missionary service to others
  • Mission
    predominant focus of one's life
  • Gaudete et exultate
    Meaning: rejoice and be glad, all people are called to be holy by lining s life with love and by bearing witness in everything that they do.
  • Vocation
    comes from the latin word: vocare which means to call
  • Vocation
    it is defined to as a divine call to god's service and to a Christian life of holiness.
  • 4 types of vocation or state of life:
    1.) ordained life 2.)religious life. 3) single life and 4.) married life
  • Discernment
    gift of the spirit which must be implored through prayer, reflection, reading and good counsel
  • labor market/ job market
    refers to the supply of and demand for labor, in which employees provide the supply and employers provide the demand.
  • Changes that affects the labor market:

    1.) Demographic changes, 2.) Changes brought by technological development 3.0 changes brought by environmental degredation