When were SQL and IBM created by Chamberlin and Boyce?
early 1970s
Structured Query Language - It is use to communicate with a database so that a user can design databases, table structures, and perform multiple type of data manipulation.
AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INTITUTE - according to this, it is a standard language for relational database management systems.
Data Definition Language (DDL) - use to define the database structure or table.
Data Manipulation Language (DML) - are use for managing data in records within table object.
Create - Sql data definition command use for creating a database.
Create Table - Sql data definition command use for creating a new table or the user's database schema.
Alter Table - Sql data definition command to modifies table's definition (add, modifies, or delete attributes or constraints)
Drop - Sql data definition command use for permanently deletes a database or table together with its data.
Truncate - Sql data definition command use for remove all table records including allocated table spaces.
Rename - Sql data definition command use for renaming the database or table.
Insert - Sql data manipulation commands that are use for insert rows into a table.
Select - Sql data manipulation command that are use for select attributes from rows in one or more tables or views.
Update - Sql data manipulation command that are use for Modifies an attribute's values in one or more table rows.
Delete - Sql data manipulation command that are use for deleting one or more rows from a table.
AND/OR/NOT - Logical operators that are use in conditional expressions.
<>,=,<=,>=,<,>,!= - Comparison operators that are use in conditional expressions.
Between - Special Operator that are use to check an attribute value within a range.
In - Special Operator that are use to check whether an attribute value matches any value within a value list.
Where - Command that restricts the selection of rows based on a conditional expressions.
Group by - Command that groups the selected rows based on one or more attributes.
Having - Command that restricts the selection of grouped rows based on a condition.
Order by - Command that orders the selected rows based on one or more attributes.
Like - Special Operator that are use to checks whether an attribute value matches the given string pattern.
Is Null - Command that checks whether an attribute value is null.
Exists - Command that checks whether a subquery returns any rows.
SQL - Is a non procedural language
Variable - Length of character data and will not leave unused spaces.
CHAR - Fixed length data character up to 255 characters.
Integer - abbreviated as INT, are whole counting numbers.
Decimal - Number specification but the storage length is a minimum specification.
Float - The total number is specified by SIZE.
Source Code - is the part of software that most computer don't ever see its the code computer programmers can manipulate to change how a piece of software "program" or "application" works.
MySQL - the world's most popular open source database.
MySQL was develop by this three significant person.
Michael "Monty" Widenius
David Axmark
Allan Larson
MAY 23, 1995 - When were MySQL created by those 3 people?
MySQL was owned by Swedish Company called MySQL AB for around 1billion and Sun Microsystem was acquired by ORACLE in 2010.