sections of the public order offences act

Cards (9)

  • section 11 public order act - advance notice of public processions
  • section 12 public order act - imposing conditions on public processions
  • section 13 - prohibiting public processions
  • section 14 public order act - imposing conditions on public assemblies.
  • section 63 criminal justice public order act - powers to remove a person for preparing or attending a rave
  • section 64 CJPOA- supplementary powers of entry and seize.
  • section 65 CJPOA - power to stop someone to proceed to a rave
  • section 66 CJPOA - power of court to forfeit sound equipment
  • raves
    gathering on land in the open air of 20 or more people which causes distress to people living within the area of the rave occurring.
    police have powers under s63 CJPOA to remove people from site and if they return in 7 days then can be an offence