internal climate variability = year-to-year or decade-to-decade variability
Human = GHGs and aerosols
Internal climate variability= year to year variation in climate caused by internal climate processes
Detection when Climate change signal > Climate variability
North AtlanticOscillation
Ella died in 2013; in 2020, a coroner's court found air pollution 'made a material contribution' to hear death - a long time for science to produce impact
air pollution listed as cause of death of death certification for the first time ever
air pollution linked to Asthma
concluded: Ella was exposed to excessive amounts of nitrogen dioxide from road traffic
New WHO guidelines challenging especially for PM2.5. Nowhere in London below limit of the annual average of 5μgm
short term effects of pollution:
exacerbation of asthma
cough, wheezing and shortness of breath
long term effects of pollution:
respiratory conditions
cardiovascular disease
anticyclones cause favourable pollution episodes:
high pressure leads to light winds and little mixing
reduced vertical dispersion - mostly air descending from above, temperature inversion at the top of the boundary layer limits vertical mixing
no precipitation to aid 'wet' removal of aerosol pollution
strong sunshine allowing photochemical reactions e.g. to form ozone
Global emissions of CO2 and of air pollutant emissions or precursors, also called near-term climate forcers (NTCF)
Most scenarios show a reduction in global emissions although there is a large diversity between scenarios
Future methane shows large variation between scenarios –important for ozone formation
Particulate Matter (PM); usually PM 2.5 referred to (PM with aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 µm) – solid or liquid
PM2.5 refers to size- its composition varies: inorganic (nitrate, sulfate, ammonium), organic (black carbon, organic carbon, dust, sea salt); has multiple anthropogenic and natural sources
Either emitted as primary PM, or formed in the atmosphere (from gases) as secondary PM
Ozone (O3)- a major oxidant (gas) species in our atmosphere; a secondary pollutant as formed in the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight and precursor emissions
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) - also a gaseous oxidant; forms from nitrogen oxide (mainly anthropogenic sources)
PM2.5 and NO2 often co-emitted (traffic); as well as with CO2
O3 and NO2 in urban environments usually inversely related