Institution- organization, establishments, foundation, society, or the like, devoted to the promotion of a particular program, especially one of a public.
Social Institution- refers to organized sets of elements such as beliefs, rules, practices, and relationships that exist to attain social order.
Family is considered as the foundation of the nation, as stated in the 1987 Constitution (Article 15)
There are 3 kinds of Families and that is:
• Nuclear Family- composed of parents and children
• Extended Family- composed of the nuclear family and other relatives such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
• Reconstituted Family- composed of the spouses and their children from a previous marriage
Kinship- relations among individuals linked by blood or marriage ties. Can be either matrilineal, patrilineal, or bilineal
Economy- an institution that addresses questions regarding limited resources of society
• Liberal Economists- answer to the important questions should be determined by the market • Socialists- the social class that largely controls the means of production would have overwhelming control over the free market economy.
• JohnMaynardKeynes- instances when the government must be ready to intervene to prevent market failures
EducationalInstitutions- provides students with the vital necessary skills that prepare them for work therefore, supplying the economy with skilled and competent individuals to ensure continuous economic productivity
2 kinds of Health Systems:
• Western- based on science and the skills of health workers are standardized and learned from health sciences schools.
• Traditional- indicative that some illness are culture-specific. Traditional Healers are the ones that execute this.
Religion- an institution that involves a set of beliefs and practices of a part social group.
2 kinds of Religion:
• Church- a large group of people who come together to worship and practice their religion.
• Sect- a smaller group of people with different beliefs or practices from the main religion.
PoliticalInstitutions- studies the formal and informal rules, practices, and regularities at both the domestic and international level that guide and constrain political choices and activities.
Politics- refers to activities through which people make, preserve, and amend the general rules under which they live. It involves the dynamics of conflict resolution and cooperation, as well as the exercise of power
Power- refers to the ability to do something in order to achieve a desired outcome. Hence, a person with power has the capability to control people or make them do something that they would not do otherwise.
Authority- a legitimate power, This means that a person who has authority has the right to exercise power.
Legitemacy- confers on an order or command an authoritative or binding character, thus conforming.power into authority
Three Types of Authority:
Traditional Authority- The legitimacy of this type of authority is based on long established customs and traditions that do not need to be justified.
Charistmatic Authority- based on the presumed special and extraordinary characteristics or qualities possessed by a certain individual.
Legal-Rational Authority- most typical type of authority in modern societies legitimized by a clearly defined set of written rules and laws.
Political Systems
Democracy- power to the people, through elected representatives
Monarchy- ruled by a single hereditary leader, either absolute or constitutional
Political Systems
Oligarchy- power held by a small, often wealthy or influential group.
Authoritarianism- strong central power with limited political freedoms.
Totalitarian- extreme control over all aspects of public and private life, often through ideology or personality cults.
Types of Political Organizations:
• Clientilism- defined as "giving material goods in return for electoral support".
• Dynasties- believed to have always excited even in advanced democratic states
Nation vs State:
• Nation- consists of a distinct population of people bound together by a common culture, history and tradition.
• State- a political unit that has sovereignty (the legitimate and ultimate authority of the state) over an area of territory and the people within it.
Cultural Institutions- institutions with an acknowledged mission to engage in the conservation, interpretation and dissemination of cultural, scientific, and environmental knowledge.
Museums- collect, safeguard, and exhibit items of cultural, historical, artistic, or scientific importance for public viewing and learning, showcasing everything from ancient artifacts to contemporary art pieces.
Libraries- collections of books, magazines, and other materials for reading, studying., and reference purposes, serving as educational and research hubs for the community.
Historical Societies- are groups committed to preserving and celebrating the history and heritage of a specific area or topic, gathering and preserving documents, photos, and artifacts, and organizing educational events and exhibits.
BotanicalSocieties- focus on studying, conserving, and appreciating plant life, often maintaining gardens or plant collections, conducting research, and offering educational programs to raise awareness about the importance of plants.
Community Cultural Centers-provide spaces and resources for various cultural activities and events, fostering cultural exchange, artistic expression, and community engagement through workshops, performances, exhibitions, and other initiatives.
KINSHIP- social relationship that form an important part of the lives of the most humans most societies. It can refers to the study of the patterns of social relationship one or more human cultures.
UNILINEAL DESCENT- describes that a person is affiliated with a group of kin through descent links of one sex only. its either patrilineal or matrilineal
AMBILINEAL DECENT- is a system containing both unilineal descent groups example both patrilineal and matrilineal groups in which one belongs to one's father's and mother's descent group.
BILATERAL DECENT- means two sides which refers to the fact that one's relatives on both mother's and father sides are equal in importance.
• PATRILINEALDESCENT affiliates an individual with kin of both sexes related to him or her through men only.
• MATRILINEALDESCENT affiliates an individual with kin of both sexes related to him or her woman only
Unilineal Groups: - lineage
- clans
- phratries
*composed of two or more clans
- moieties
*division of a society
Marriage- is socially approved sexual and economic system inion, usually between a man and a woman.
MONOGAMY - is a form of marriage in which one man marries one woman.
- it involves plural marriage
POLYGANY- a form of marriage in which one man marries more than one woman at a given time
POLYANDRY- is a marriage of one woman with more than one man
CENOGAMY- it means the marriage of two or ore women with two or more men.
ENDOGAMY is a rule of marriage in which the life partners are to be selected within the group.
EXOGAMY is a rule of marriage in which a individual has to marry outside his own group.