waves - disturbances that propagate through a medium or space
anything that moves back and forth, side to side, or up and down is vibrating - true
sound and light are both vibrations that propagate in space - true
mechanical waves - require a medium
sound waves - mechanical waves
seismic waves - mechanical waves
electromagneticwaves - waves that do not require a medium to travel
radio waves - electromagnetic waves
visible light - electromagnetic waves
x-rays - electromagnetic waves
transversewaves - move perpendicular
light waves - transverse waves
crests - highest point or peak of the wave pattern
troughs - opposite of the crest ; lowest point in the wave pattern
longitudinalwaves - move parallel
sound waves - longitudinal waves
ultrasound waves - longitudinal waves
gammarays - have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency ; used in radiation therapy to kill cancer cells
reflection - bouncing back of the wave as it hits a surface
refraction - bending of the wave as it enters from one medium to another of different density
incident ray- incoming ray of the light that strikes a surface
reflected ray - ray of light that bounces off the surface after being reflected
diffraction - bending of the wave as it enters a small opening or a corner of a barrier
interference - interaction of two waves when they meet
amplitude - maximum distance that a particle is displayed from its equilibrium position
wavelength - distance from one crest to the next crest, or from one trough to the next trough
frequency - number of waves that pass per unit time
period - time taken for a particle of a wave to make one complete cycle
constructive interference - when the crests of the first wave meet the crests of the second wave and the troughs of the first wave meet the troughs of the second wave
destructiveinterference - crests of the first wave meet the troughs of the second wave
seismology - study of earthquakes and seismic waves that move through and around the earth
seismologist - scientist who studies earthquakes and seismic waves
seismic waves- waves of energy caused by the sudden breaking of rock within the earth