Jesus' Paschal Mystery

Cards (35)

  • Paschal Mystery is one of the central concepts of the Catholic
    faith relating to the history of salvation. Its main focus / subject is the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ - the work that God the Father sent His Son to accomplish on earth.
  • Jesus' Last Supper is where the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Holy Orders were instituted.
  • Judas Iscariot is the one who betrayed Jesus in exchange for 30 pieces of silver coins.
  • Peter is the one who denied Jesus 3 times.
  • In Jesus' Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, His companions are Peter, James, and John.
  • The Disciples Asleep symbolizes the expression of giving in to the devil's temptation.
  • During Judas' Betrayal, Judas kissed Jesus as a sign of ‘greeting’ a close friend but this was also the signal to the ‘enemies’ who will
    arrest Jesus.
  • During Jesus' Trial, they brought Him to the High Priest, Caiaphas
    and all the chief priest for questioning.
  • Jesus was accused for the sin of Blasphemy because He claimed to be the Son of God.
  • Joseph ben Caiaphas is a Jewish high priest who organized a plot to kill Jesus. He famously presided over to Sanhedrin trial of Jesus.
  • Sanhedrin is the supreme council or tribunal of the Jews during post exilic times headed by a high priest and having religious, civil, legislative and educational fruition among the Jews.
  • Sanhedrin is where an assembly of 23 or 27 elders, known as rabbis, who were appointed to sit as tribunal in every city in ancient Israel.
  • Peter’s Denial of Jesus is where for three times, Peter denied having association with Jesus for fear that he might also be arrested and tortured like Him.
  • After Peter denied Jesus three times, a cock crowed and he remembered what Jesus had told him before.
  • Weakness and Fear were the two main reasons why Peter denied
    Jesus for three times.
  • Peter was a witness to everything that Jesus had experienced, he wouldn’t want to experience the same as Jesus did.
  • Pontius Pilate presented Jesus to the people and asked them what
    to do with Him.
  • Barabbas is a prisoner who committed murder and uprising. He is also chosen by people to be freed instead of Jesus.
  • During the time Jesus was beaten and mocked, He was brought to the courtyard called praetorium where Jesus was mocked and beaten.
  • Jesus was made to wear a purple cloak, crowned with thorns, spat on Him and gave Him blows / scourged Him.
  • (Carrying of the Cross) After being scourged at the pillar, Jesus was asked to carry a heavy cross to Mt. Calvary.
  • Simon of Cyrene was forced to help Jesus carry His Cross, in return Jesus gave him a smile of appreciation and thanks giving.
  • During Jesus’ Crucifixion, He was nailed to the Cross, stripped of His clothes and was crucified with other two hardened criminals.
  • Crucifixion was a punishment given to hardened criminals during that time.
  • The Tearing of the Temple Curtain was an expression of God’s anger and mourning for sinful blasphemy of the Jewish people.
  • During Jesus’ Death, the captain of soldiers believed that He is really the Son of God.
  • During the Death of Jesus, Mary His Mother, Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James and Joseph and Salome mother of James and John were present.
  • Joseph of Arimathea asked for Jesus’ body from Pontius Pilate and wrapped Jesus’ body in linen cloth and laid Him in a cave / tomb and rolled a huge stone at its entrance.
  • Early morning of the next day three women disciples went to the tomb,
    brought spices to anoint Jesus’ body. They found out that the stone at the entrance was rolled away and Jesus’ body was not there anymore.
  • Men in white (angels) told the three women that Jesus has been raised from the dead and is waiting for His disciples in Galilee.
  • Jesus’ appearances after rising from the dead is first to Mary Magdalene.
  • Ascension into heaven happened 40 days after Jesus' Resurrection.
  • Zealots is a Jewish patriotic group who eyed Jesus to lead them in their rebellion against Roman authorities but later on branded Him as traitor when He healed the daughter of the Roman centurion.
  • Roman authorities watched Him closely; they feared that He might lead an upheaval to oust them, and they were threatened by His abilities.
  • Sadducees and Pharisees were called the “Teachers of the Law” among the Jews; were scandalized by His teachings, by calling God as His Father, and claiming that He is the promised Messiah who would
    restore Israel to the covenant.