areas of the brain that analyze the meaning of a words are said to be performing a semantic analysis
the decision to treat "terminal" epilepsy patients with commissurotomy was made based on previous comparative studies that had shown that:
epileptic discharges spread from one hemisphere to the other via the corpus callosum and commissurotomy has little disruptive effect on behavior outside contrived laboratory situations
although several average neuroanatomical asymmetries have been reported in the areas of the human neocortex that are thought to play important roles in languages, there is no strong evidence that these anatomical asymmetries:
are related to the lateralization of language function in individuals
the motor theory of speech perception proposes that the perception and comprehension of speech depend on the words activating the same neural circuits in the motor system that would be activities if the listener said the word.
connecting Broca's area and Wernicke's area is the:
acruate fasciculus
t cells and b cells are:
Sam was regularly hostile to other guys, especially if it was someone he had just met, or when his girlfriend was nearby. he said he needed to take control and make sure the others knew who the boss is. Sam's behavior is a form of:
social aggression
the field that focuses on the effect of stress on immune function is called:
in the short term, stressors produce physiological changes that:
increase the ability to deal effectively with the stressor
modern neuropsychological and cognitive neuroscientific has emphasized the roles of two brain structures in emotion:
the medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala
you're walking down the sidewalk and you see a car jump the curb. you realize your heart is racing and you're terrified. which theory says that emotion is dependent on both cognition and physical response?
the process by which benign contexts come to elicit fear through their association with fear-inducing stimuli is called contextual fear conditioning and requires intact hippocampi
physiological responses to stress include activation of the:
sympathetic nervous system, HPA axis, and immune system
in the short term, stressors produce physiological changes that increase the ability to deal effectively with the stressor
many anxiolytic drugs are agonists at either GABA receptors or serotonin receptors
if a person is experiencing endogenous depression, you might expect there to be a large contribution of
research designed to develop effective clinical treatments from basic scientific discoveries is termed...
translational research
symptoms of schizophrenia can include long periods of immobility and waxy flexibility, a pattern commonly referred to as
when an insufficient neurotransmitter is released at a synapse, there is often a compensatory up-regulation of the receptors.
echolalia is...
repeating the words of anotherperson
when periods of depression alternate with periods of mania, the disorder is termed...
bipolardisordertype II
an individual experiences continue high-levels of anxiety. when asked, they can't identify a specific stressor or item that they're afraid of. this person's symptoms are consistent with...
generalized anxiety disorder
in meta-analyses of MRI studies of depressed patients, consistent reductions in gray matter volumes have been reported in the...
prefrontal cortex
the clinical effectiveness of typical antipsychotic drugs is positively correlated with the degree of which they bind to...
dopamine D2 receptors
in functional brain-imaging studies of Tourette's patients who are suppressing their tics, abnormal activity has been consistently observed in the caudate and
drugs for which the market is too small for them to be profitable are called orphan drugs
the neuroplasticity theory of depression is that depression results from
decreased neuroplasticity in various brain structures
drugs that reduce depression without increasing mania, or reduce mania without increasing depression, are called....