Cards (13)

  • master slider - sets all the properties and attributes of all the slides currently in your presentation
  • ARPANET- used by the us military in 1969
  • isp - internet service providers
  • dial up connection - uses modem and telephone ( internet speed 56 kbps)
  • ISDN - also uses telephone and maximum speed is 128 kbps
  • cable inetrnet - high speed internet
  • HTML ( HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUANGE) written code used in creating a website
  • slide transition - its the change from one slide to another
  • slide sorter - Its use to change the order of slides
  • HTML - the written code used in creating a website
  • www - Its a software that lets a user display and interact with documents and resources in theweb
  • ftp - its a protocol that allows the sharing of files on the Internet through the client server architecture
  • IRC - it allows the user t communicate with other people through the internet in real time