Nucleus is the site of DNA replication and transcription, containing genetic code for each cell for proteins
Structure of a Nucleus
Nuclear Envelope - double membrane
Nuclear Pores
Nucleoplasm - granular, jelly-like
Chromosomes - protein-bound, linear DNA
Nucleolus - site of rRNA production and makes ribosomes
Endoplasmic Reticulum is the site of protein synthesis (RER) and synthesis and store of lipids and carbohydrates (SER)
Endoplasmic Reticulum Structure
Cisternae - folded membrane
Ribosomes (RER) - protein synthesis
Golgi and Vesicles add carbohydrates to proteins to make glycoproteins, produce secretory enzymes, form lysosomes, and store lipids
Vesicles transport substances between the cell and the plasma membrane
Lysosomes hydrolyse phagocytic cells with vesicles of hydrolytic enzymes, breaking down dead cells (autolysis), exocytosis (release enzymes to destroy) and recycle organelles
Mitochondria is the aerobic site of respiration and production of ATP
Mitochondria have DNA to code for the enzymes needed in respiration
Mitochondria Structure
Double Membrane
Cristae - inner membrane
Matrix - fluid centre
Mitochondrial DNA
Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis
80s Ribosomes are large (25nm) and are found in eukaryotic cells
70s Ribosomes are smaller found in prokaryotic cells, chloroplasts and mitochondria
Vaccuoles are a turgid structure for support, temporary stores of sugars and amino acids and are filled with pigment for petal colours
Vaccuole Structure
Tonoplast - single membrane
Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis and contain chlorophyll
Chloroplast Structure
Double Membrane
Granum - made of thylakoid stacks
Thylakoid Stacks - folded membranes with chlorophyll
Stroma - fluid filled with enzymes
Cell Walls are the structural strength of a cell made of microfibrils of cellulose or chitin - nitrogen-containing polysaccharides
Plasma Membranes control the entry/exit of a cell, made of a phospholipid bilayer with proteins, carbohydrates and cholesterol