Cards (3)

  • What is the Binet Simon scale?
    Suggested a group of simple sensory tests could not adequately determine intelligence. Recommended measurements of a variety of psychological abilities:
    Judgement of visual space
  • What is the Stanford Binet test?
    Terman (1916) - Revised the tests of Binet
    Consists of various tasks grouped according to mental age
    Simple, immediate and advanced tests exist
    The scale contained a formula for computing the IQ - represents the idea that if a test score indicates a child's mental age it is equal to their chronological age meaning their intelligence is average
  • What is the Wechsler - Bellevue intelligence scale?
    Addressed limitations of the previous , specifically a single score. Disagreed with the single score, emphasis on timed tasks and the facts that the test had been designed for children specifically therefore for adults it was invalid. Devised a new test in the 1930s , the test was later revised and became known as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale or WAIS.