Behavioural Explanation

Cards (9)

  • The behavioural approach uses a two process model to suggest the cause and maintenance of phobias
  • Acquisition of phobia
    classical conditioning
  • Little Albert
    UCS (loud noise) ---> UCR (fear)
    UCS (loud noise) + NS (rat) ---> UCR (fear)
    CS (rat) ---> CR (fear)
  • Maintenance of phobia
    operant conditioning
  • A phobia is maintained through avoidance and negative reinforcement
    When the individual avoids their phobia, they are negatively reinforced. A decrease of anxiety acts as a reward, strengthening their phobia
  • Behavioural Strength
    scientific! measured objectively. Little Albert case study shows variables can be manipulated and controlled ---> valid
  • Behavioural Weakness
    deterministic :( ignores free will and environment
  • Behavioural Weakness
    reductionist :( suggests complex mental disorders are just caused by stimulus response. holism better
  • characteristics of phobias
    behavioural - avoidance
    cognitive - irrational beliefs
    emotional - fear