Features of an Ergonomic Office

Cards (6)

  • Equipment/Furniture
    Provide desks, chairs and computer screens that adjust to suit individual requirements.
  • Office Layout
    The arrangement of desks and chairs should allow ease of movement.
  • Protective Equipment
    Provide equipment such as wrist rests, foot rests and antiglare screens to minimise the impact of RSI and eye strain when working with PCs & laptops.
  • Wall Colours
    Colours that are relaxing, calming and will minimise glare should be used. Strong or over-powering colours can result in eye strain, headaches, frustration and even contribute to sick building syndrome.
  • Minimal Clutter
    Sufficient storage should be provided to ensure files and resources are not lying around the office. Clutter restricts ability to focus and limits the brain's ability to process informaiton.
  • Ventilation
    There should be a flow of fresh, clean air to prevent the workplace feeling stuffy/muggy.