Blood transfusions and blood banks

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  • Blood loss was still a major problem during surgery in the late 1800s.
  • Now that doctors had anaesthetics and antiseptics, they often attempted more complex operations. l.
  • James Blundell had carried out the first human blood transfusion in 1818. Because blood could not be stored for later use, early transfusions involved the donor being directly connected to the recipient by a tube.
  • Blundell performed 10 transfusions in total – 5 were successfull
  • Scientists knew that certain chemicals could stop blood clotting when it leaves the body, but these could also have side effects like convulsions.
  • Karl Landsteiner discovered the first 3 blood groups (A, B and O) in 1901.
  • This made blood transfusions more successful because it stopped the donor’s blood being rejected by the recipient’s body.