Relative dating It is the process of determining if one rock or geologic event is older or younger than another, without knowing its specific age.
Absolute (numerical) dating - It provides more specific origin dates and time ranges, such as an age range in years.
FOSSILS can only be found in sedimentary rocks. Fossils can’t be found on metamorphic and igneous rocks.
geologic time scale is the “calendar” for events in Earth's history
PRECAMBRIAN LIFE - encompasses the vast majority of Earth's history, spanning from about 4.6 billion years ago to around 541 million years ago.
Hadean Eon - Named after the Greek god and ruler of the underworld, Hades.
HADEAN EON - It is unlikely that life could have formed and thrived in the extremely volatile conditions of the Hadean Eon.
HADEAN EON - Dating back 4.6 billion years, with evidence suggesting the presence of liquid water.
ARCHEAN EON - Complex chemical reactions in the young oceans transformed carbon-containing molecules into simple, living cells that did not need oxygen to live.
ARCHEAN EON - Appearance of blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria)
Proterozoic Eon (2.5 – 550)
Ediacaran period - First appearance of algae and invertebrates and eukaryotic cells.
First oxygen dependent animals formed, the Ediacara fauna.
PHANEROZOIC EON - This is the last eon, started from 543 million years ago to present. The eon has been divided into three era: Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era and Cenozoic Era
PALEOZOIC ERA (541 - 251 mya) - Paleozoic era is known as the “OLD or ANCIENT LIFE”, starting from 541 mya and lasted for 251 mya.
Cambrian Period (542 to 490 mya) -The time when many kinds of
invertebrates appear.
The first fish appeared: Agnathans (jawless
fishes), a first vertebrate
Cambrian explosion was when most of the major animal groups started to appear in the fossil record, a time of rapid expansion of
different forms of life on Earth.
Ordovician Period (490 to 443 mya) - Fungi, plants, and animals colonize the Land.
ORDOVICIAN PERIOD - First mass extinction due to the deadly temperature
Silurian Period (443 to 416 mya) - First vascular plants (Rhyniophyta and Cooksonia) originate
Silurian Period - First bony fishes (osteichthyans) appear.
Devonian Period (416 to 360 mya) -Bony fishes diversified.The first insect, amphibian, and seed plant
Devonian Period (416 to 360 mya) - Sudden diversification of metazoan and 2nd mass extinction due to large scale volcanic eruptions, change of temperature, lack of oxygen
Carboniferous Period (360 to 299 mya)
Origin of reptiles and Amphibians dominate.
Permian Period (299 to 251 mya) -Reptiles diversify
Major extinction of marine organism
About 96 percent of all marine
Three of every four species on land
died out. (75%)
The Mesozoic Era began approximately 248 million years ago and lasted for 65 million years.
Triassic Period (251 to 200 mya) - Dinosaurs evolve, origin of mammals,
and gymnosperms (seed producing) dominate.
Jurassic Period (200 to 145 mya)
Dinosaurs abundant, first birds appear,
gymnosperms dominate.
Cretaceous Period (145 to 65 mya)
Angiosperms (Flower producing) diversify
Dinosaurs extinct at the end of this
Cenozoic was started from 65 mya to
Oligocene epoch
▪ Origin of primates
▪ Purgatorius, dating back as far as 65
million years ago (likely emerged by the Late Cretaceous and lived alongside large dinosaurs)