Cards (39)

  • Relative dating  It is the process of determining if one rock or geologic event is older or younger than another, without knowing its specific age.
  • Absolute (numerical) dating - It provides more specific origin dates and time ranges, such as an age range in years.
  • FOSSILS can only be found in sedimentary rocks. Fossils can’t be found on metamorphic and igneous rocks.
  • geologic time scale is the “calendar” for events in Earth's history
  • PRECAMBRIAN LIFE - encompasses the vast majority of Earth's history, spanning from about 4.6 billion years ago to around 541 million years ago.
  • Hadean Eon - Named after the Greek god and ruler of the underworld, Hades. 
  • HADEAN EON - It is unlikely that life could have formed and thrived in the extremely volatile conditions of the Hadean Eon.
  • HADEAN EON - Dating back 4.6 billion years, with evidence suggesting the presence of liquid water. 
  • ARCHEAN EON - Complex chemical reactions in the young oceans transformed carbon-containing molecules into simple, living cells that did not need oxygen to live. 
  • ARCHEAN EON - Appearance of blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria)
  • Proterozoic Eon (2.5 – 550)
  • Ediacaran period - First appearance of algae and invertebrates and eukaryotic cells.
  • First oxygen dependent animals formed, the Ediacara fauna.
  • PHANEROZOIC EON - This is the last eon, started from 543 million years ago to present. The eon has been divided into three era: Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era and Cenozoic Era
  • PALEOZOIC ERA (541 - 251 mya) - Paleozoic era is known as the “OLD or ANCIENT LIFE”, starting from 541 mya and lasted for 251 mya.
  • Cambrian Period (542 to 490 mya) -The time when many kinds of
    invertebrates appear.
  • The first fish appeared: Agnathans (jawless
    fishes), a first vertebrate
  • Cambrian explosion was when most of the major animal groups started to appear in the fossil record, a time of rapid expansion of
    different forms of life on Earth.
  • Ordovician Period (490 to 443 mya) - Fungi, plants, and animals colonize the Land.
  • ORDOVICIAN PERIOD - First mass extinction due to the deadly temperature
  • Silurian Period (443 to 416 mya) - First vascular plants (Rhyniophyta and Cooksonia) originate
  • Silurian Period - First bony fishes (osteichthyans) appear.
  • Devonian Period (416 to 360 mya) -Bony fishes diversified.The first insect, amphibian, and seed plant
  • Devonian Period (416 to 360 mya) - Sudden diversification of metazoan and 2nd mass extinction due to large scale volcanic eruptions, change of temperature, lack of oxygen
  • Carboniferous Period (360 to 299 mya)
    Origin of reptiles and Amphibians dominate.
  • Permian Period (299 to 251 mya) -Reptiles diversify
    • Major extinction of marine organism
    About 96 percent of all marine
    • Three of every four species on land
    died out. (75%)
  • The Mesozoic Era began approximately 248 million years ago and lasted for 65 million years.
  • Triassic Period (251 to 200 mya) - Dinosaurs evolve, origin of mammals,
    and gymnosperms (seed producing) dominate.
  • Jurassic Period (200 to 145 mya)
    • Dinosaurs abundant, first birds appear,
    gymnosperms dominate.
  •  Cretaceous Period (145 to 65 mya)
    Angiosperms (Flower producing) diversify
    • Dinosaurs extinct at the end of this
  • Cenozoic was started from 65 mya to
  • Oligocene epoch
    ▪ Origin of primates
    ▪ Purgatorius, dating back as far as 65
    million years ago (likely emerged by the Late Cretaceous and lived alongside large dinosaurs)
  • Eocene epoch
    ▪ Angiosperms dominate
  • Paleocene epoch

    ▪ Mammals, insects, and birds diversify
  • Miocene

    ▪ Golden Age of Mammals
    ▪ Mammals and angiosperms continue
    to diversify.
    ▪ Emergence of early hominids
    ▪ Appearance of several familiar
    mammalian families such as horses,
    elephants, and whales
  • Pliocene
    ▪ Bipedal human ancestor appear
    o Ardipithecus ramidus
  • Pleistocene epoch

    ▪ Ice ages and origin of Homo
  • Holocene epoch
    ▪ The ice age ended due to an
    increase in temperature.
    ▪ The current time we are living in.
  • Pleistocene epoch
    ▪ Ice ages and origin of Homo