
Cards (24)

  • Juliet as a typical aristocratic daughter, ‘madam i am here what is your will’ establishes her to be submissive to the will of her parents. Noun ‘madam’ shows the immense respect she has for her parents
  • However ‘look to like if looking like more’ are her earliest signs of her later rebellion. The alliterative ‘i’ sound and iambic pentameter Shakespeare implements demonstrates her to be intelligent and in control of her language showcasing her desire for control.
  • It is easy to assume that Juliet is corrupted by Romeo's sexual advances but it is Juliet who extends the metaphor saying witty comment  ‘good pilgrim do wrong his hand’. The juxtaposition between the immense respect and obedience she shows to her parents when compared to how witty and confident she is with Romeo showcase parental relationships of the time to be primarily based on obedience and respect.
  • Juliet is born under sign leo. We know this as her nurse states ‘lammas eve’. Leos are typically headstrong and fiery. Elizabethans believed in the immense power of the celestial beings, this could be used to explain why Juliet is so akin to the traits of her sign.
  • Juliet exemplifies the folly of the youth in that they are often too rash in love.Juliet is passionate in her declaration of love, when he is absent, she is willing to forgo her lineage for a man she just met.” no longer be a capulet``.This declaration exemplifies her to be rather impulsive and fervid which is a characteristic of her sign.Elizabethans believed celestial bodies to have an enormous influence over a person's disposition
  • Like romeo and the friar, Juliet lacks maternal love which she seeks in the nurse rather than in her mother.``sweet,sweet nurse'' using repetition paired with an endearing tone she has for her nurse compared to short clipped answers she gives to mother shows how in Elizabethan society, children were expected to treat parents with utmost respect so there tended to be a lack of emotional support.
  • The nurse parallel to the friar encourages juliet to marry romeo, not for any political reasons but rather as she is a little senseless.Nurse has been shown to be comical in her previous senses of her foolish dramatic nature which makes it easy to say she might not be the best influence for juliet.
  •  Juliet is a character who demonstrates shakespeare’s criticism of the folly of the youth, in that they are too hasty in love and her folly ultimately leads to her downfall.Romeo also lack paternal support and seeks it in friar lawrence who also leads him to his fated doom, perhaps this is shakespeare commenting on importance of nurturing and loving paternal relationships.
  • “Serpent heart hid with a flowering face” states this when she hears of romeo slewing her cousin, she juxtaposes his temperament against his looks, using a semantic field of nature and in turn making hatred and love seem natural and innate
  • Her animosity toward Romeo is such a contrast to her passionate love, she declares him a “dove feathered raven” evoking semantic field of nature but also evoking image of dark vs light.Her language represents her inner turmoil, the conflict of her contempt being as strong as her love.
  • Juliet's love for romeo supersedes her hatred of his slewing of her cousin, which establishes the theme of love prevailing over hate, a theme present throughout entire play.
  • In the way that romeo is ruled by violence as well as passion so is juliet alough because she is a women, she is only able to express that violence through her language in the way she slanders romeo.
  • In act 3, scene 2 we finally see her express any form of anger to her parents.This shows how she has developed as a character and she is no longer the passive girl that follows her parents every command. Juliet has such immense love for Romeo she is willing to curse nature which she has shown immense value of previously, this characterises their love as all consuming and immense.
  • Paris calls her face beautiful saying that her “tears have marred it” and she retorts by saying “bad enough before their spite”. She is self-deprecating in a way that suggests she is tired of Paris’s constant flattering. Paris responds in turn with a little passive aggression, regarding her ruining his property
  • She responds almost despondently “for face is not own”. Juliet has a depressed tone, so very different to the girl we saw at the start of the play. “Henceforward i am ever ruled by you”. Noun “ruled” emphasises how she has no free will but it seems unnecessary to say this if she is not ridiculing how ridiculous her position is.
  • he says how she would rather “leap than marry paris” she is no longer passive but direct with her emotions. This is a moment reminiscent of its origin Ovid pyramus.and with knowledge of that story it makes the moment quite tragic as we know what is about to happen. Through her direct and aggressive language, love is shown to be a corruptive yet freeing force.
  •  Love has made her selfish in that she no longer cares about her family's desire. She looks at vial friar has given her and worries that “it be poison”, this is her first sign of delirium as she is doubting the sincerity of the man she has confided in and trusted to help her, a man who has shown no signs of being deceitful,a religious man at that
  •  Love has made her delirious and untrusting.Juliet like Romeo uses
    soliloquy allowing us to hear her introspective ramblings and makes the audience feel as if characters are confiding in them, maintaining the fourth wall. JUliet exists in parallel to Romeo in terms of her emotions, both their emotions rise and fall at the same points. 
  • Juliet is only in one scene of act five, as she has taken a sleeping position, the scene she does appear in is her death scene, making her death that much more significant and leaving a huge impression on the audience
  • Juliet upon finding her love tragically dead, curses that he “left no friendly drop”. Adjective friendly juxtaposes against idea of her suicide which is ironic as in her eyes a world without romeo, death is her only friend and solace.
  • “Thy lips are warm” reminding the audience of how recently Romeo has died thus reinforcing the genre of tradgery as she was so close to preventing his death.
  • Juliet spends the whole play speaking at length about her feelings and using language to express herself and yet when it comes to her death she is “brief”. She has no desire to live in a world without love.
  • Thus love is shown to be like a drug. The most tragic thing is that she could have been with him if not for families feud. After all he is an affluent, well respected man.Shakespeare uses Juliet's death to remind the audience of tragic consequences of feuds and how they might be detrimental to those who are blameless.
  • He shows love to be counterproductive and love to always prevail. Juliet seems comparatively calm in this scene than we have seen her in others, perhaps this is as she is finally resigning herself to her fate. In comparison to her family juliet values love over hate which is ironic as they learn this from her after her death. It is the child teaching the parent.