Cards (24)

  • Thales
    discovered that amber when rubbed with silk, attracted feathers and other light objects
  • Ëelectron

    greek word for amber, which is where words such as "electricity" and "electron" comes from
  • William Gilbert
    coined the term electricity from elektron (Electrification of many substances)
  • Benjamin Franklin
    the lightning tamer
  • Alessandro Volta
    creating and storing electricity
  • Michael Faraday
    how electricity move
  • Thomas Edison
    the inventor (light bulb)
  • Thomas Edison
    the inventor (light bulb)
  • Nikola Tesla
    how to get electricity to everyone
  • Nikola Tesla
    how to get electricity to everyone
  • Negative Charge
    it has more electrons than protons
  • Positive Charge
    it has more protons than electrons
  • Positive Charge
    it has more protons than electrons
  • Electric Charge
    is a fundamental physical property that causes objects to feel an attractive and repulsive force towards one another
  • Static Electricity
    form of electricity resulting from the imbalance between positive and negative charges within a material that occurs when electrons move from one material to another
  • Charging
    process of removing (supplying) the electric charge (electron) to an object or losing the electric charge from an object
  • Uncharged object
    can be charge in different ways
  • Conductor
    materials that permit electricity or heat to pass through it
  • Conductor
    electrons can move freely
  • Conductor
    the electric field exist on the surface but remains zero on the inside (metal)
  • Insulator
    material that do not permit heat to pass through it
  • Insulator
    electrons cannot move Greek
  • Insulator
    electrons cannot move freely
  • Insulator  

    the electric field doesn't exist (rubber)