A witch-hunt for communists in the federal and state government in the 50s
The Red Scare
intense fear of communism and other politically radical ideas
Senator Joe McCarthy
Republican senator who falsely accused many Americans for being communist
Tydings Committee
investigated McCarthy’s claim that 200 state department employees were communist. found these accusations to be false
julius and Ethel Rosenberg
arrested in the summer of 1953 and executed in 1953, they were convicted of conspiring to commit espionage by passing plans for the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union
committee on government operations and subcommittee on investigations
McCarthy began hearings on Communist infiltration but did not uncover anything
writes banned by the state department “communist”
400 writes
Eisenhower‘s response to McCarthy
he refused to “get down into the gutter with that guy”
army - McCarthy hearings
the trials in which Senator McCarthy accused the U.S army of harbouring possible communists. these trials were one of the first televised trials in America, and helped show America Senator McCarthy’s irresponsibility and meanness
1954 response of the senate to McCarthy
they censured him
Impact of McCarthyism on US foreign policy
McCarthyism set the tone for US foreign policy for the next 30 years.
Heightening the fear of communism clouded much of American thinking on US foreign policy
Both Democrats and Republicans agreed that anticommunism should be the main focus of US foreign policy
Anti-war movement
This was a protest movement that grew, especially on college campuses, during the Vietnam War
“living room” war
All US citizens witness the horror of war on tv
teach in
informal lecture on topic of public interest
location of the first teach in
university of Michigan in 1965
reasons for the anti war movement
The war was taking money from Johnson’s Great Society Program
Believed the war was a civil war and the US should not intervene
War was morally wrong
Fear if the draft
US tactics were cruel (saturation bombing and napalm( jelly like substance that burns skin))
Protestors placard slogan
credibility gap
public no longer believed what the government was saying about war
what was Johnson’s approval rating
chant at LBJ protests
“hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?”
eugene McCarthy and Robert Kennedy
two prominent Democrats who openly opposed Johnson’s handling of the war
Walter Cronkite
a newscaster who was known for his objectivity and trustworthiness, who said that the war in Vietnam would end in stalemate.
Johnson knew that if even Cronkite didn’t support him, nobody in the Middle America supported him
Nixon’s policy in Vietnam, getting SC to take more responsibility for the war
1969 anti war protest in Washington
300,000 protestors marched past the White House each carrying the name of a dead soldier or destroyed Vietnamese village
most serious incident in the anti war movement
at a student demonstration in Kent State University, Ohio, National Guardsmen killed 4 students and injured 8
pentagon papers 1971
showed the federal government deceived the public about the war in Vietnam
when did the us withdraw from Vietnam
impact of race relations on perception of the Us
US presidents were worried about the image that bad race relations gave them abroad. the US claimed to be the ”LandoftheFree”, yet basic Americans were treated an inferior