RP11-Magnetic flux linkage

Cards (5)

  • Equipment: Oscilloscope, large circular coil, stands, AC power supply, protractor card, search coil.
  • Set up: Mount the circular coil vertically with stands and position the search coil at the centre with another stand. Attach the circular coil to the AC power supply and connect the search coil to the oscilloscope. The protractor should be placed underneath the two coils. Select suitable voltage sensitivity and time base settings on the oscilloscope.
  • Method: Use the oscilloscope to record the peak to peak value of the induced AC voltage. Tilt the search coil, measure the angle and repeat, up to a 90 degree angle. Repeat the experiment twice and record the mean value of the induced emf for each angle.
  • Graph: Plot a graph of induced emf against cos(θ\theta ). The gradient equals B A N w.
  • Analysis: The angle is directly proportional to the induced emf.