Si units are the fundamental units and include: mass (kg), length (m), time (t), moles (mol), temperature (K), current (A) and candela (cd).
Kilo is 10^3, mega is 10^6, giga is 10^9, tera is 10^12.
Centi is 10^-2, milli is 10^-3, micro is 10^-6, nano is 10^-9, pico is 10^-12, femto is 10^-15.
1 ev = 1.6 x10 ^ -19 J.
1 kWh = 3.6 x10 ^ 6 J.
Random errors affect precision and can be reduce by taking repeats and calculating a mean.
Systematic errors affect accuracy and can be reduced by calibrating results or reading a result off at eye - level.
The uncertainty in a reading is +/- half the smallest division.
The uncertainty in a measurement is at least +/- 1 smallest division.
For repeated data, the uncertainty is half the range.
When adding or subtracting data, add absolute uncertainties.
When multiplying or dividing data, add percentage uncertainties.
When raising data to a power, multiply percentage uncertainty by that power.
Percentage uncertainty can be found from a graph by finding the best and worst gradient using line of best fit with error bars and then subtracting them from each other and dividing by the best gradient.