Bacteria use a type of simple cell division called binary fission. It is an example of asexual reproduction
Bacteria can be grown in a nutrient broth solution or as colonies on a type of jelly called agar. This is called culture
The agar is usually in the bottom of a flat dish called petri dish
Step 1
The petridishes and agar must be sterilised before use to kill unwanted microorganisms
Step 2
An inoculating loop is sterilised by passing it through a flame
Step 3
The cooled inoculating loop is used to transfer bacteria to the agar
Step 4
The lid of the petri dish must be quickly removed and replaced when transferring bacteria and secured with tape to stop it coming off. Otherwise, microorganisms from the air may contaminate the culture.
Step 5
The dish is stored upsidedown to stop condensation dripping onto the agar surface
An inoculatingloop is used to transfer bacteria onto an agar plate.
The filter prevents contamination of the fermenter by microbes in the air.