Cards (69)

  • A thesis statement can be one sentence, but it's usually two sentences long.
  • Thesis statement is the main idea or argument that an essay presents
  • An introduction is where you introduce yourself as the author and give background information about the subject matter.
  • Thesis statements are the most important part of an essay because they tell readers what to expect from your paper.
  • In the body paragraphs, you present evidence that supports your argument or claim.
  • Conclusion summarizes what was said in the paper and restates the thesis statement.
  • A thesis statement is a single sentence that states the central point of an essay.
  • Each point or idea should have its own paragraph with supporting evidence.
  • Exemplification presents general statement andprovide specific and concrete examples.
  • DEFINITION clarify and explain concepts
  • Patterns of Development These patterns will help you follow ideaseasily and understand a text better.
  • Description provides details on the idea by usingsensory or spatial pattern
  • Chronology organizes ideas or events according to time.
  • Listing organizes ideas using enumeration
  • ComparisonContrast organizes ideas based on howevents, places, people, things, and concepts are similar to ordifferent from one another
  • Classification & Division organizes ideas intocategories or divisions based on criteria and standards
  • Cause & Effect organizes details based on the cause,reason, and the result or consequence of a certain phenomenon.
  • Problem - Solution arranges ideas intoproblems and proposed solution.
  • Persuasion it show how a set of evidence leads to alogical conclusion or argument.
    • Paragraph is...A group of interrelated sentences that talk about onemain idea.
  • Paragraph has three parts: Topic Sentence, Body(supportingparagraphs), and Closing sentence.
  • The body paragraphs are the main part of an essay where most of the information is presented.
  • Transition words/phrases connect one idea with another.
    • Essay is.....A group of paragraphs that talk about one central idea.
  • Essay has 3 general parts: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion
  • Paragraph is Organized around a topic sentence
  • Essay is Organized around a thesis
  • Paragraph Uses sentences to explain major points
  • Essay Uses paragraphs to explain major points
  • Essay Always uses a concluding paragraph
  • Thesis statement is the main idea of your essay
  • A good thesis statement will be arguable
  • Paragraph May use a concluding sentence
  • Properties of Well-written Text• Unity• Coherence and Cohesion• Organization• Language Use• Mechanics
  • Paragraph Usually has three to five sentences
  • Unity - The text has one central idea or theme that guides all other ideas.
    • Unity - Has one focused idea - Supporting ideas are relevant to the main thought
  • Language use - The language used is appropriate for the audience and purpose of the writing.
  • Coherence and Cohesion - Are achieved when ideas are logically, clearly, and smoothly linked to one another.
  • Coherence occurs when ideas are connected at the conceptual or idea level.