Cards (21)

  • Follow-up : monitoring of a newborn with a confirmed heritablecondition
  • Recall : procedure for locating a newborn with a possibleheritable condition for confirmatory testing
  • Newborn Screening : collection of few drops of blood from a newborn using an appropriatecollection card
  • Heritable conditions (6 are commonly tested)- any condition that can result to mental retardation, physicaldeformity, or death if left untreated and undetected (usuallyinherited from the genes of parents)
  • Chairman: DOH Secretary
  • Vice-Chair: Executive Director of the NIH
  • Phenylketonuria - An amino acid disorder in whichphenylalanine cannot be convertedto tyrosine due to a deficiency orabsence of the enzymephenylalanine hydroxylase
  • The most important and sometimes the only manifestation of PKUis mental retardation
  • Maple Syrup Urine Disease - a defect or deficiency of thebranched chain ketoaciddehydrogenase complex inwhich elevated quantities ofleucine, isoleucine, valine, andtheir corresponding oxoacidsaccumulate in body fluids
  • Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia - a group of disorders resulting from enzymatic defects in thebiosvnthesis of steroids
  • 90% of CAH is due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency
  • Congenital Hypothyroidism - Thyroid hormone deficiency atbirth
  • Galactosemia - an inborn error of carbohydratemetabolism characterized byelevated levels of galactose and itsmetabolites due to enzymedeficiencies
  • • In classic galactosemia, the enzymethat is reduced or missing is called galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT) .
  • Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase(G6PD) Deficiency - Most common heritable disease in the Philippines
  • G6PD Causes hemolytic anemia induced by various oxidativestresses
  • The dreaded effect ofjaundice is kernicterus deposition of bilirubincauses permanent damagethe brain or death
  • shall be performed after 24 hours but notmore than 3 days after delivery
  • newborns in ICU: should be tested within 7 days
  • TAT: 7-14 working days (ENBS) from thetime the NSC received the samples
  • 2019: only 14 genetic counselors in the Philippines