on practices

Cards (12)

  • activities and equipment risk assessed
  • staff not trained in manual handling should not attempt to move or lift individuals or equipment
  • all manual handling will be risk assessed
  • critical points where food contamination could occur have to be identified and control measures put in place
  • coshh file will be kept and updated regularly
  • work related accidents, injuries, diseases will be reported according to riddor
  • regular fire drills will take place to ensure everyone knows what to do in an emergency
  • data protection principles will be implemented, ensure safety and security of patient records
  • safeguarding training will ensure that staff are able to identify signs of abuse, service users will be aware of procedures to raise concern
  • staff provided with training as required for their role
  • managers will develop policies, for example health and safety, safeguarding, manual handling, evacuation and fire procedures
  • managers will ensure safe staffing levels in care home and adequate child to teacher ratios in school or nursery