presynaptic membrane: membrane of terminal button that lies adjacent to postsynaptic membrane and through which neurotransmitter is released.
sending the signal
postsynaptic membrane: cell membrane opposite terminal button in synapse; membrane of cell that receives message.
gets and receives the signal
synaptic cleft: space between presynaptic membrane and the postsynaptic membrane
chemical synapses: the way that it communicates with each other is using chemicals called neurotransmitters
eletrical synapses: do not use chemical or neurotransmitters to communicate between neurons, they use electrical signals
two types of synapses: eletrical and chemical
eletrical synapses:
symmetrical (in their pre and post synapses)
bidirectional transfer of information, can be unidirectional (info able to go in any direction forwards and backwards)
the pre and post cell membranes are close apposiiton to each other separated only by regions of cytoplasmic continuity, called gap junctions
ions can flow through the gap junctions, allowing fast transfer of info. Firing one neuron after the other.
electrical synapses:synchronization of the electrical activity of large populations of neurons.
important in functions that requires instantaneous responses, such as reflexes and pacemakers.
a network of cells using electrical synapses means that a lot of them can fire at a rapid succession, allowing for synchronisation leading to instantaneous reflexes.
chemical synapses:
asymmetric morphology in the pre and postsynaptic (pre and postsynaptic is not the same size/shape)
enlarged extracellular space (bigger gap in the synaptic cleft)
presynaptic ending is axon terminal, post synaptic is dendrites
chemical synapses:
unidirectional (one sending info, another receiving info. No going both ways)
postsynaptic neuron may be sustained (long lasting), reflecting a long-lasting changes in the target (receiving cell)
most common type of synapses in the vertebrate nervous system.
pros of chemical synapses having a wider synaptic cleft is that it is long-lasting and allows more possibility of action (excitation and inhibition firing) .
leading to more signals and more (sensitivity to) neurotransmitters
neurotransmitters have to be stored in vesicles in order to be released
neurotransmitters do not enter the cell, it goes through the receptors
different receptors for different ions.
neurotransmitters comes in and binds to the binding site -> the gate will open up -> the ions will flow in.
what kind of ions flow in would determine what kind of action it would have (ex: cl- flow in or ca+ flow in - excitatory)
g-protein tells the cell to put in more receptors in the membrane
2 types of learning (classical conditioning)
neurons that fire together wire together means that neurons are firing together at the same time at the same strength, they tend to form a stronger connection together
hibituation means that:
repeated exposure to the stimulus reduces the response
like getting used to it and not have much reaction anymore
sensitization means that:
it will have the same size of response over and over again
this is because you do not present the stimulus as much as habitual, not too frequently
so the response will still be the same, because you did not do it so frequently