Brahman and Atman

Cards (3)

  • Brahman:
    . God (Brahman) is the ultimate reality, universal spirit and life force
    . Brahman is everywhere (omnipresent)
    . All living things have a soul (atman), which is part of God
  • Atman:
    . A person is made up of a body and atman (soul)
    . The atman is a part of God (Brahman) in all living things
    . The atman is reincarnated (samsara)
  • Relationship between Brahman and Atman
    . Some Hindus believe that the atman is a part of Brahman but not the same
    . Atman may go on to reincarnate (samsara) after death or may go to join with Brahman (achieve moksha)